DVD Duplicator
CoolCopyD Series
User’s Manual
CoolCopyD 3
CoolCopyD 7
4.11.7 Auto Compare ......................................................................20
4.11.8 Auto Prescan .......................................................................21
4.11.9 Eject Disc ............................................................................21
4.11.10 Burn on The Fly ................................................................21
4.11.11 Burn Mode ........................................................................21
4.11.12 Button Sound ....................................................................22
4.11.13 Device Info ....................................................................…22
4.11.14 System Info .......................................................................23
4.11.15 Quick Erase ......................................................................23
4.11.16 Full Erase ..........................................................................23
4.12 Adv Setup...................................................................................24
4.12.1 UnderRun Protect ...............................................….............24
4.12.2 Overburn ...............................................................…...........24
4.12.3 Read Error Skip............... ..................................…..…... ...24
4.12.4 Format Hard Disk ....................................................….........24
4.12.5 Verify HDD ...............................…..................................…...25
4.12.6 Burn-in.................................................…...…........................25
4.12.7 Update Firmware..........................................................….....25
4.12.8 Compare Firmware .......................................................…....26
4.12.9 H/W Diagnostic ...............................................................…..26
4.12.10 Load Default ..................................................................….26
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting .........................................................27
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
People who want to create multiple copies of their DVDs or CDs usually take a long time to do so.
They might not have enough DVD+RW drives or they might be using their computers for some
other important tasks. The duplication process noticeably slows down a computer during the
burn process. Rather than sit at the computer for hours duplicating discs one at a time, it is much
more efficient to use a CoolCopyD DVD/CD duplication system.
The CoolCopyD DVD Duplicator system is a standalone duplicator and does not need to be
connected to a computer. It can duplicate discs accurately and quickly. With its multi-function
LCD panel, CoolCopyD DVD Duplicator is easy for any user to operate. It is a cost-efficient DVD-
R duplicator for audio, data, and video applications. The simple control panel is designed to
provide copy mode selection and copy operation.
1.2 Features
Standalone IDE to IDE DVD Copy controller
2(CoolCopyD1AL(DVD-Backup)) / 4(CoolCopyD3) / 8(CoolCopyD7) /
independent IDE channel
Self system diagnostics when power on
Supports Hard Drive image
Auto format detection
User friendly interface with message rich LCD display
Fast copies supports high speed DVD-RW writing mode
Easy operation without software and training are required
Firmware upgrade via DVD-ROM
1.3 Specification
Power requirement – voltage:
5VB+/- 5%
0.5A Max.
Environment -
0˚ C to 70˚ C
-20˚ C to 85˚ C
Humidity -
15% to 90%
200 mm
Dimensions -
146.2 mm
42 mm
Connectors -
40-pin internal IDE connector
Cable (Optional) - Using ATA-66 (*Cable of length do not use longer than 46cm)
DVD Format -
DVD-ROM (Mode1 & Mode2), DVD-ROM/XA (Mode2 form1 & form2),
Mixed-Mode, Video DVD, DVD-I, Karaoke CD, Photo CD (Single & Multi-
session), CD-Extra, HFS, CD Bridge, ISO9660, CD-R, and DVD+RW
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Writing mode -
Auto Detect (DAO, TAO)
Supported DVD-ROM Drive* - EPO, TEAC
Supported DVD-RW Drive* - Plextor, TEAC, Lite-On, Asus, SONY
Chapter 2 Installation Procedure
When you purchase the CoolCopyD DVD Duplicator, the package may be packaged in the
following ways: controller only, whole duplicator without writer installed or a complete duplication
2.1 Controller only
1. Before the installation, please prepare the necessary devices as following:
DVD-ROM drive
DVD-R/RW drive
IDE case (2~10-bay chassis suggested).
Hard drive and mobile rack (IDE-bus hard drive-Option)
Switching power supply (300W suggested).
2. After the preparation as above and make sure:
All IDE devices must be in master mode.
2.2 Whole duplicator without writer installed
Unpack the duplicator.
Prepare the DVD-R/RW writers according to the recommendation list. Please check with
the supplier about compatibility issues regarding unlisted DVD-R/RW drives.
Assemble the duplicator according to your need.
Make sure that the voltage setting is correct.
2.3 Completed duplication system
Take the duplication system out of the package.
Check the entire unit to see if there are any problems.
Make sure that the voltage setting is correct.
The hard drive is optional.
Hardware Connection of CoolCopyD1AL (DVD-Backup) without a HDD
CoolCopy1AL (CD-Backup)
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Hardware Connection with Hard Drive for CoolCopyD3
Coolcopy 3
When the system connects with the hard drive, the hard drive must connect on the IDE 0 port
with the “Master” setting and the DVD-ROM must set at “Slave”.
Hardware Connection without Hard Drive for CoolCopyD3
Coolcopy 3
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Hardware Connection with Hard Drive for CoolCopyD7
Coolcopy 7
When the system has a hard drive connected, the hard drive must connect on IDE 0 port with
“Master” setting and the DVD-ROM must set at “Slave.”
Hardware Connection without Hard Drive for CoolCopyD7
Coolcopy 7
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 Key Functions and Operating Instruction
1. LCD Display Panel: Display main functions and all messages.
2. Scroll up through menus or functions.
3. Scroll down through menus or functions.
4. Execute the function which you select.
5. Cancel the function which you select.
After turning the power on, the CoolCopyD DVD Duplicator will execute a self test for a few
seconds. After the self testing procedure runs, the LCD will show:
CD Duplicator
1-3 ver: 1.10B
CD Duplicator
1-7 ver: 1.10T
Initialize SDRAM.....
Detect Drives.....
1. Copy
Two main operation procedures
If you install a 3.5” hard disc, the operation procedures is as the following screen shows:
1. With hard drive installed
Once duplicator detects a hard disc, it will ask if you want to format or not. A 10GB hard
disc can be divided into 10 partitions.
Use the Select Source to set the hard drive as the target source.
Then select which partition to store the data in function 9 “Image.”
If there is no data stored in partition, place a source DVD into DVD-ROM and use
function 9-01 Load to transmit data from DVD into selected partition by pressing ENT.
Different data can be stored in different partitions.
Switch to function 1, Copy, by pressing the arrow button. Place blank DVD-R or DVD-RW
discs into the DVD writers. Press “ENT” button to start copying.
When a Copy completes, the passed (correctly copied) DVD discs will be ejected
automatically. The default setting is for the discs to be ejected automatically, but this can
be changed.
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Failed discs will remain in writers. The default setting is to keep failed discs in the writers,
but this can be changed. Press the buttons on the drivers to take the failed DVDs.
During the duplication process do not press any button because interruption will harm the
device. DVDs will be damaged.
2. Without a hard drive installed
If you don’t install a 3.5” hard disc, the operation procedures will be as follows:
Place the master disc in the DVD-ROM.
Switch to function 1, Copy, by pressing arrow button. Place blank DVD-R or DVDRW
discs into all the DVD writers. Press ENT to start.
When Copy completes, the passed DVDs will eject automatically. The default is to eject
automatically, but this can be changed.
Failed DVDs will remain in the writers. The default is keeping failed DVDs in the writers,
but you can change it. You need to press the “eject” buttons on the writers to take the
failed DVDs.
ATA-66 Cable Layout:
Please identify the two different kinds of cable before the hardware installation.
Chapter 4 Function
4.1 Copy
Use this function to copy data from a source DVD directly onto blank DVD discs. Before copying
make sure that the source DVD is placed into DVD-ROM. If you have a HDD, make sure there is
data in your HDD partition. If you are not sure about the success of your duplication job, you can
use function 2 Test to simulate the copying process first.
Select function 1. Put a source DVD into DVD-ROM and blank DVD disks into DVD writers. DVD
rewriteable discs containing old data are usable, too.
LCD will show the process of copying
information as the following screen:
Copying-24X 0%
650.0MB 74:00
When copying is completed, the LCD will display as
the following screen:
Discs correctly copied will be ejected automatically
and failed ones will remain in the writers.
1. Copy
OK: 03
4.2 Test
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Function 2 Test will simulate the copying process. When the simulation completes, the discs will
remain blank.
Press ENT button to start the disc simulation.
2. Test
If you use DVD rewriteable discs that contain data, the old
Data will be quickly erased before simulation.
The LCD will show the testing
Testing-24X 0%
Information as the following screen:
650.0MB 74:00
When the process is finished, the LCD will
show the message as the following screen:
2. Test
OK: 03
Stopping the test halfway does not affect the DVD discs. However, if the DVD rewriteable discs
contain important data, the information may be erased.
4.3 Test&Copy
Function 3 Test & Copy is to test first and then actually copy.
3.Test & Copy
Select Function 3. Put a source DVD into DVD-ROM
and blank DVD discs into the writers.
Testing-24X 0%
Press ENT to start simulation. LCD will show the
information as the following screen:
Copying-24X 0%
650.0MB 74:00
After the tests finishes, actual copying will begin
as the following screen shows:
3. Test & Copy
OK: 03
When the entire process finishes, the LCD will
show the information as the following screen:
4.4 Verify
Function 4, Verify, examines whether the target DVDs can be read correctly after copying.
Press ENT button to verify. The LCD will show as
the following screen:
4. Verify
The LCD will show verification information as
the following screen:
Verify--24X 0%
650.0MB 74:00
4. Verify
OK: 03
When the verification process is finished, the LCD
will display the result as such:
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
4.5 Compare
Function 5, Compare, allows you to make a comparison between the source and the target DVDs
after copying.
Select Function 5. Put the source DVD into DVD-
ROM and the target DVDs into DVD writers.
5. Compare
Press ENT to compare. LCD will show the
comparison information as the following screen:
Compare-24X 0%
650.0MB 74:00
When comparison completes, the LCD will show
as the following screen:
Compare OK: 3
Fail: 0 Diff: 0
Press ENT to see the details of
Src: 01 CD-ROM
source 1. If the comparison is identical, the LCD
will show the message as the following screen:
If the comparison result is identical, the LCD will
show as the following screen:
Total: 650.0MB
Src: 02 DVD+RW
If comparison fails, the LCD will show failure.
Compare OK: 2
Src: 01 CD-ROM
Total: 0 Bytes
Press ENT to see comparison
Src: 02 DVD+RW
TOC not match
If the comparison fails, the LCD will show
failure. By pressing ENT twice, the LCD will show
the contents of source 1 and those of source 2
do not match as the following screen:
4.6 Prescan
Use the prescan function to scan the source DVD for precise readability and also tests the
reading speed.
Select function 6. Put the source DVD
into the DVD-ROM.
6. Prescan
Press ENT to prescan, LCD will show the
scanning information as the following screen:
Scaning-24X 0%
650.0MB 74:00
If the master disc can be read correctly,
the source DVD will have no problems. The LCD
will show the following screen:
PreScan OK!
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
If the master disc cannot be read correctly,
the LCD will show the following screen:
PreScan Fail!
4.7 Disc Info
Function 7, Disc Info, shows the basic information of the source DVD.
Select Function 7. Place source DVD into DVD-ROM.
7. Disc Info
Press the ENT button to show the disc information.
The LCD will show the total sessions and
tracks on the master disc.
Total 02 Sessions
Total 10 Tracks
Press the ENT button again, the LCD will show
the total time and capacity on the master disc as such:
Total: 74:00
Total: 650 MB
Press the ENT button again and use the arrow button
to select the session. The LCD will show the
information contained in the session as such:
Session 01
Track 01 - 09
Press the ENT button again and use the arrow button
to select the track. The LCD will show what
information is contained on the track.
Track 01
AUDIO 03:54
4.8 Select Source
Function 8, Select Source, lets you select the data on the DVD-ROM, DVD writers or HDD as the
source from which you intend to copy.
8. Select Source
Select function 8.
Press ENT and then use the arrow button to select
the source.
01 IDE0 Slave
After selecting the source, press ENT and LCD will
show the following screen:
CD-ROM selected!
Note: Suppose you select HDD as the source and try to copy from one of its partitions, but the
partition contains no data. An error message will then appear on your LCD. From here, you can
switch to another partition that contains no data or use function 9 Image to load the data into the
chosen partition first.
4.9 Image
Function 9, Image, is only valid when you have installed a hard drive.
9. Image
Select function 9. Press ENT.
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
4.9.1 Load
Place the master DVD disc into the DVD-ROM or any one of the DVD writers, the duplicator
will detect and analyze the master DVD.
Here the function “Load” will allow you to load data
9-01.Image P: A
from the DVD-ROM or any DVD writer into the
current partition of the hard disc. P:A means Partition A.
Press ENT to load. The LCD will show the loading
Load- A -24X 0%
650.0MB 74:00
When the image has successfully loaded, the LCD
will show as the following screen:
Image load OK
Image Exists
If there is an image file existing in the current partition,
the system will ask whether you want to overwrite.
Use arrow button to make “Yes” or “No” selection.
4.9.2 Delete Image
If you want to empty an image file stored in a particular partition, you can use the function Delete
Image to do so.
Select function by pressing arrow.
9-02. Image P: A
The system will ask if you are sure you want to delete.
Use arrow button to make “Yes” or “No” selection.
Delete Image in
Partition A?Yes
When the image is successfully deleted from the
hard drive, the LCD will show the following message:
Partition A:
Image is deleted
4.9.3 Image Info
This function shows the basic information of an image file stored in a particular partition.
Press ENT to show the disc information.
9-03.Image P: A
Image Info
The LCD will show the total sessions and tracks
in the partition.
Total 01 Sessions
Total 01 Tracks
Press ENT again. The LCD will show
the total time and capacity in the hard drive of
Total: 74:00
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Press ENT again and use the arrow button
to select the session. The LCD will show the information
in the session.
Session 01
Track 01 - 01
Press ENT again and use arrow button to select
the track. The LCD will show track information.
Track 01
DATA 650.0MB
4.9.4 Compare Image
Use this function to compare the contents of the source DVD and those of the image file in the
partition. First select the function by pressing the arrow.
9-04. Image P: A
Compare Image
Press ENT and LCD will show the comparison
information as such:
LCD will then show the following message:
Comp-A-24X 0%
650.0MB 74:00
Compare OK: 1
When the process is finished, the LCD will display
the results as such:
Src: 01 CD-ROM
Total: 650.0MB
Press ENT to view the comparison details.
If the comparison is identical, the LCD will
show the message as such:
Tgt: 00 HDD P:A
Compare OK: 0
Fail: 1 Diff: 0
If comparison fails, the LCD will show the number of discs
that have failed and succeeded.
Src: 01 CD-ROM
Total: 0 Bytes
Press ENT to see the comparison
If the comparison fails, the LCD will show the
following message:
Src: 02 DVD+RW
TOC not match
4.9.5 Select Partition
This function, select Partition, allows you to select a partition in the hard disc.
Press ENT button to change the setting.
9-05.Image P: A
Select Image
After installing a hard disc, the duplicator will format it automatically. Each partition occupies 1GB.
The number of partitions is dependent on the hard disc’s capacity. The partitions are
alphabetically arranged.
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use the arrow button to select which partition will
be worked.
Select Working
Partition - A
Set Partition to
When the partition is set, the LCD will show the
following screen:
4.9.6 Select Src Drive
This function allows you to select the DVD-ROM or any DVD writer as the source from which you
can load data into a particular partition as an image file.
9-06. Image P: A
Image Src Drive
Press ENT and the arrow button to select
the source.
Select Img Src:
Then use the arrow button to select the disc as the master
Load image from
Drive ID-01
After selecting the source, press ENT.
The LCD will show will show the following message:
4.10 Edit Track
Function 10 Edit Track allows you to edit a collection of favorite songs from CDs. You’re able to
collect different tracks or songs on a number of CDs and merge them onto a single CD. This
process can be divided up into four parts: CD to CD, CD to HDD, Play Audio Track and Close
Press ENT and use the arrow button to select function 10.
10. Edit Track
4.10.1 CD to CD Edit
Select “CD to CD Edit” to select one or more tracks from CD-ROMs and then copy onto blank
10-01. Edit Track
CD to CD Edit
Press ENT to change setting.
Follow the LCD to select the track that you want
to edit.
Select Track:
Press ENT to select the track. After the
track is selected, the “+” will appear beside 1/10 as shown.
Pressing ENT again will cancel the track.
Select Track:
Select Track:
End 1Trk03:25
When the track selection is made, use the arrow button
to move to the End menu.
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
End edit disc
and burn?Yes
Press ENT to finish the disc editing. Use the arrow button
to make “Yes” or “No” selection.
The LCD will then show the following screen:
Copying- 24X Edit
1/10 - > 1/1
When copying ends, the LCD will show the
following message:
Burn Complete!
OK: 03
The system will ask if you want to continue editing. Use
the arrow button to make a “Yes” or “No” selection
Continue edit
next Disc?Yes
Insert next disc
If “Yes” is selected, the source disc will be
automatically ejected. Insert another disc.
Select Track:
+2/10 04:25
Follow the steps to select the track that you want
to edit. Then press ENT.
When the track selection is made, use the arrow button
to move to the “End” menu.
Select Track:
End 2Trk07:50
End edit disc
and burn?Yes
Press the ENT button to finish disc editing.
Use the arrow button to make a “Yes” or “No”
The LCD will show will show the following message:
Copying- 24X Edit
1/10 - > 2/2
The 2/2 symbolizes the second track of all tracks you have
selected. So far you have selected two tracks from two
different CDs.
Burn Complete!
OK: 03
When copying ends, the LCD will show the
following message:
Continue edit
next Disc?No
System will ask you whether you want to continue editing.
Use the arrow button to make a “No” selection then press
Close all disc’s
session? Yes
The system will ask to close the disc session.
Use the arrow button to make “Yes” or “No”
The LCD will show the closing session as such:
Closing Session
Please wait---
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
4.10.2 CD to HDD
This function lets you select one or more tracks from DVD-ROM and then copies into a certain
partition of the HDD.
10-02. Edit Track
CD to HDD Edit
Press ENT to enter the setting.
Follow the LCD to select the track that you want
Select Track:
to edit. Here 1/10 means the number one of 10 tracks
and 3:25 means the playing time.
Press ENT button to select the track. After the
track is selected, the “+” will appear. Pressing
ENT again will cancel the track.
Select Track:
When the track selection is made, use the arrow button to
move to the “End” menu.
Select Track:
End 1Trk03:25
Press ENT to finish the disc editing process. Use the arrow
button to make a “Yes” or “No” selection.
End edit disc
and burn?Yes
The source will be loaded to the hard drive. The LCD
will show the loading information as such:
Load- P0 -24X Edit
1/10 - > 1/1
When “Image Load” is finished, the LCD will
show the message as such:
Image load OK
The system will ask if you want to continue editing. Use the
arrow button to make a “Yes” or “No” selection.
Continue edit
next Disc?Yes
If “Yes” is selected, the source disc will be automatically
ejected. Insert another disc.
Insert next disc
Follow the steps to select the track that you want
to edit. Then press the ENT button.
Select Track:
+2/10 04:25
When the track selection is made, use the arrow button
to move to the “End” menu.
Select Track:
End 2Trk07:50
Press the ENT button to finish disc editing. Use the arrow
button to make a “Yes” or “No” selection.
End edit disc
and burn?Yes
The track will be loaded as an image file to the hard drive.
LCD will show the following screen:
Load- P0 -24X Edit
1/10 - > 2/2
When loading is finished, the LCD will
show the following message:
Image load OK
The system will ask you whether you want to continue editing.
Use the arrow button to make a “Yes” or “No” selection. Select
“No” to go to the next step.
Continue edit
next Disc?No
The system will ask you if you want to burn from HDD into
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
CD-R/RW or move into partition. Selecting “Burn” will
start the process.
Burn or Move to
The LCD will show the copying information as such:
Copy- P0 -24X 0%
When burning is finished, the LCD will show
the following screen:
Burn Complete !
OK: 03
Selecting Move will move the data from the hard
drive template to a certain partition.
Burn or Move to
partition? Move
Select the partition that the data will move into by
pressing the arrow.
Select Partition
The LCD will show the moving information as such
Moving to P: A
Moving to P: A
When moving is finished, the LCD will show
the following message:
If the chosen partition contains image data, the
system will ask to overwrite it. Select “No” to
keep the data image or “Yes” to overwrite it.
Image Exists
The LCD will show the moving information as such:
Moving to P: A
When moving is finished, the LCD will show the
message on the following screen:
Moving to P: A
4.10.3 Play Audio Track
This function allows your machine to be utilized as a music player. All you have to do is plug in an
AV terminal in the audio port on the back of the device.
Press ESC and the arrow button to enter the play audio
10-03. Edit Track
Play Audio Track
Use the arrow button to select a track you
are going to play.
Select Track:
1/10 03:25
Press ENT and the LCD will display the playing information
as the following screen:
Playing Track-1
00:00 / 03:25
4.10.4 Close Session
Select “Close Session” will close the disc and restrict data writing. This function allows discs to be
read on any normal player.
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Press ESC and the arrow to select the function.
10-04. Edit Track
Close Session
Press ENT. The system will ask whether you want to
close. After this step, the data cannot be written onto the disc.
Close all disc’s
session? Yes
Closing Session
Please wait---
The LCD will show the message as the following screen:
When you are finished closing the session, the LCD will
show the following message:
4.11 Setup
This function allows you to change default settings. It is suggested that you use default setting for
optimal performance.
Press ENT button to enter the Setup function.
11. Setup
4.11.1 Language (optional)
Here are the available languages on the LCD: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
and Japanese.
Press ENT to change the setting and ESC to
11-01. Setup
4.11.2 CD Burn Speed
This setting controls the burning speed of CD writers. Default setting is “Auto,” which will use the
highest writing speed of the writers.
Press ENT to enter the setting.
11-02. Setup
Burn Speed
Use arrow button to change the burning
speed then press ENT.
Burn Speed
* The DVD Burn Speed lets you control the burning speed of DVD writers. Press ESC to enter
this function. Then press ENT to view the default setting, which is at maximum.
4.11.3 Read Speed
This function lets you control the reading speeds of target CDs.
11-03. Setup
Read Speed
Press ENT to enter the setting.
Read Speed
Use the arrow button to change the reading
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
speed then press ENT. The default is maximum. Other
choices are 32X, 16X and 8X.
4.11.4 Auto Start Drive
This function automatically tests or copies once you put the blanks discs into the writers.
Press the ENT button to enter Auto Start Drive.
11-04. Setup
Auto Start
Use the arrow button to change either the number or the
“Off” setting. Then press ENT or ESC to
go back to the 11-04 menu.
Auto Start
4.11.5 Start up menu
This setting lets you select any one of the functions, except Adv Setup, as the first item to appear
on the menu when you turn on your device.
11-05. Setup
Press ESC button to enter Startup Menu and
Startup Menu
ENT to enter the following figure:
Use the arrow button to select other function setting, which would
Startup Menu
be the first setting to appear when device is turned on.
Then press ENT.
4.11.6 Auto Verify
This setting allows you to automatically verify if target DVDs can be read after copying.
Press the ENT button to enter the following figure:
11-06. Setup
Auto Verify
Use arrow button to change “On” or “Off”
setting. Then press ENT or press ESC to
return to the 11-06 menu.
Auto Verify
4.11.7 Auto Compare
This setting allows you to automatically compare the source DVD
and target DVDs after copying. Press ESC button and arrow
to enter the setting.
11-07. Setup
Auto Compare
Auto Compare
Use the arrow button to change the “On” or “Off” setting.
Then press ENT to go back to the 11-07 menu.
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
4.11.8 Auto Prescan
This setting allows you to automatically scan if the source DVD can be read correctly and also
tests the reading speed.
Press the ENT button to enter Auto Prescan.
11-08. Setup
Auto Prescan
Use the arrow button to change the “On” or “Off” Setting.
Then press ENT or press ESC to return to the 11-08 menu.
Auto Prescan
4.11.9 Eject Disc
The Eject disc setting allows three choices: Eject Good Only, Eject All Disc and Do Not Eject.
11-09. Setup
Eject Disc
Press ENT button to enter the following figure:
Eject Disc
Eject Good
Use the arrow button to select Eject Good Only.
Then press ENT or press ESC to return to the 11-
09 menu.
Use the arrow button to select Eject All Disc,
then press ENT or press ESC to return to the 11-
09 menu.
Eject Disc
Eject All Disc
Use the arrow button to select Do Not Eject. Then press
ENT or press ESC to go back to the 11-09 menu.
Eject Disc
Do Not Eject
4.11.10 Burn on the Fly
This setting lets you control the burning methods. When the setting is “On”, the data will copy
directly from source drive to the target drives. When the setting is “Off”, the data will load into a
partition of the hard drive first. Then, the copying will be completed.
Press ENT button to enter Burn On The Fly.
11-10. Setup
Burn On The Fly
Use the arrow button to change the On or Off
setting. Then press ENT or press ESC to return to
Burn On The Fly
the 11-10 menu.
If the system does not have a hard drive connected,
the LCD will show the following message:
There is no HDD !
4.11.11 Burn Mode
This setting lets you control the burning methods. There are two modes: Disc At Once (DAO) or
Track At Once (TAO). Default setting is DAO. Some DVD writers may support different writing
methods. If the method selected is not supported, duplicator will automatically switch to the other
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
11-11. Setup
Burn Mode
Press the ENT button to enter Burn Mode.
Use the arrow button to change TAO or DAO
mode setting. Then press ENT or press ESC
to return to the 11-11 menu.
Burn Mode
4.11.12 Button Sound
This setting allows you to control the sound when you press it.
11-12. Setup
Button Sound
Press the ENT button to enter Button Sound.
Button Sound
Use the arrow button to change On or Off
setting. Then press ENT or press ESC to return to the
11-12 menu.
4.11.13 Device Info
This function shows the information of the DVD-ROM and any DVD writer you have installed.
Press the ENT button to enter the device information.
11-13. Setup
Device Info
Use the arrow button to select the device or press
ESC to go back 11-13 menu.
00 IDE0 Master
Press the ENT button to see the device information
and ESC to return to the 11-13 menu.
Use the arrow button to select another device or
press ESC to return to the 11-13 menu.
01 IDE1 Master
Press the ENT button to see the device information
and ESC to return to the 11-13 menu.
CD-R PX-W2410A
Use the arrow button to select another device or
press ESC to return to the 11-13 menu.
02 IDE2 Master
Press the ENT button to see the device information
and ESC to return to the 11-13 menu.
CD-R PX-W2410A
Use the arrow button to select another device or
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
03 IDE2 Master
press ESC to return to the 11-13 menu.
CD-R PX-W2410A
Press ENT to see the information and ESC
to return to the 11-13 menu.
4.11.14 System Info
This function shows the information of the system.
Press ENT button to enter the System Info and see
the information. Press ESC to exit.
11-14. Setup
System Info
The CoolCopyD3 infomation
will look like this screen:
SST: 39SF020
2001 / 11 / 16
CD Duplicator
1-3 ver: 1.10B
The CoolCopyD7 information
will look like this screen:
CD Duplicator
1-7 ver: 1.10T
2001 / 11 / 16
4.11.15 Quick Erase
This function will quickly erase the data on the disc.
Press the ENT button to enter the Quick Erase
and ESC to exit.
11-15. Setup
Quick Erase
Use the arrow button to confirm whether you want to
erase the data. Select either the “Yes” or “No” setting.
Then press ENT or press ESC to return to the 11-15 menu.
All data will be
lost, erase? Yes
LCD will show the information as such:
Erasing disc
00:24 (Quick)
When the erasing disc function is finished, the LCD will
display as such:
Quick Erase
OK:01 Fail:00
4.11.16 Full Erase
This function is to completely erase the data on the DVD rewriteable discs.
11-16. Setup
Full Erase
Press ENT to enter the Full Erase.
All data will be
lost, erase? Yes
Use the arrow button to select “Yes” or “No.”
Then press ENT or ESC to return to the 11-16 menu.
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
LCD will show the information as the following screen:
Erasing disc
When finished, the LCD will show the following message:
4.12 Adv Setup
Full Erase
OK:01 Fail:00
This function allows you to change the system configuration. Changes should be made only when
you are fully familiar with the function. To enter the function, please press “ESC” button for 2
4.12.1 UnderRun Protect
This function lets you control the Buffer Under Run Protection settings, such as Burn Proof,
SafeBurn, JustLink, Seamless Link, etc.
Press the ENT button to enter UnderRun Protect.
12-01. Adv Setup
UnderRun Protect
Use the arrow button to change the Setting. Then
press ENT or ESC to return to the 12-01 menu.
UnderRun Protect
4.12.2 Overburn
This setting lets you decide whether to copy beyond the limit of the DVD or not.
Press the ENT button to enter Overburn.
12-02. Adv Setup
Use the arrow button to change the On or Off
setting. Then press ENT or ESC to return to the
12-02 menu.
4.12.3 Read Error Skip
This function allows you to neglect any error that occurs during copying. You can use this function
to copy some defective DVDs.
Press the ENT button to enter Read Error Skip.
12-03. Adv Setup
Read Error Skip
Use the arrow button to change the setting. Then
press ENT or ESC to go back to the 12-03 menu.
Read Error Skip
4.12.4 Format Hard Disk
This function allows you to partition the hard drive.
12-04. Adv Setup
Format HDD
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Press the ENT button to enter Format HDD.
Use the arrow button to change Yes or No
setting. Then press ENT or ESC to go
back to the 12-04 menu.
All data will be
lost, format? Yes
If the system does not connect with hard drive,
the LCD will show the following message:
There is no HDD!
4.12.5 Verify HDD
This function verifies whether or not the hard disc or any of its partitions is working well.
Press ENT to enter Verify HDD.
12-05. Adv Setup
Verify HDD
Use the arrow button to change setting to Disk.
Verify Disk or
Partition? Disk
Then press ENT or ESC to go back to the 12-
05 menu.
Use the arrow button to change setting to Parti.
Then, press ENT or ESC to go back to the 12-05 menu.
Verify Disk or
Partition? Parti
4.12.6 Burn-in
This function is a burn-in test, which will simulate the copying process multiple times. After each
cycle, the DVDs on the DVD writers will be ejected automatically and re-inserted again for
continuous testing.
Press the ENT button to enter Burn-in.
12-06. Adv Setup
The data will not be written on the blank
DVD discs and the discs will remain blank
after the test.
Use the arrow button to change the
RunContinuous, “1~10”, “10~100”,
“100~1000” setting. Press the ENT or ESC
button to go back to the 12-06 menu.
Sel burn-in num:
Run Continuous
The system will repeat to erase and write
on the DVD-RW discs. Only DVD-RW discs can
be rewritten.
Use the arrow button to change the
RunContinuous, “1~10”, “10~100”,
“100~1000” setting. Press the ENT or ESC
button to go back to the 12-06 menu.
Sel burn-in num:
Run Continuous
4.12.7 Update Firmware
This function will update your firmware to the latest version. Place the DVD disc, which contains
the latest firmware data (firmware DVD disc), into the DVD-ROM drive and the duplicator will find
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
the data and update its firmware automatically. During updating, do not turn off the power of
machine because the update will not be finished until machine resets itself.
The Update Firmware function updates firmware to the latest version.
2. Unzip the firmware you have and write the file “cdxxx.bin” into the root directory of a blank
DVD-R or DVD-RW disc. You have to close the DVD session. If the same DVD disc still has
capacity to add more data, it can be used to store newer versions of the firmware. When updating
the firmware program from the DVD, only the one from last session will be used. Versions from
previous sessions will be ignored.
Select the source drive to the DVD-ROM first! Then
press the ENT button to enter UpdateFirmware.
12-07. Adv Setup
Update Firmware
The system will search the new firmware from the
DVD and the LCD will show the process as shown here:
Searching F/W---
When the new firmware is found, press the ENT
button. The system will update it.
4.12.8 Compare Firmware
This function will help you compare the current control firmware version with the updated version
when the firmware disc is placed into the DVD-ROM.
Press the ENT button to enter Compare Firmware.
12-08. Adv Setup
Compare Firmware
4.12.9 H/W Diagnostic
This function will detect what devices are connected with the control. The LCD will display the
hardware information.
Press the ENT button to enter H/W Diagnostic.
12-09. Adv Setup
H/W Diagnostic
The LCD will ask the user to do the button test. Following
the LCD instruction, test each function button.
ꢀꢀꢀꢀꢀEnter ESC
Hold ESC to exit
After the button function testing, the system will perform the SDRAM self-test, the hardware
connecting test, and the flash test. Every testing process will be shown on the LCD. It just takes a
few minutes to get the results of hardware diagnostics. It is an easy way to know if the system
works properly.
When testing is finished, the LCD will show the
“Test finished” message. Press the ESC button to
go back to the 12-09 menu.
Test finished
4.12.10 Load Default
This function will reset any previous settings back to the factory’s default setting. Different
settings will cause duplicator to react differently.
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
12-10. Adv Setup
Load Default
Press the ENT button to enter Load Default.
Use the arrow button to change settings. When
“Yes” is selected, the duplicator will return to its
factory’s default setting.
Load Default
Config? Yes
The LCD message will show that the setting has
been changed with the following message:
Load Default
Chapter 5 Trouble Shooting
1. There’s no display on the LCD or the unit does not operate when you power on.
Please check the power cable connection and that the power
outlet is normal.
Turn off the power of the machine, open the case of duplicator, and check if
there are any problems with the power cable.
2. The LCD shows the Error message.
During an operation such as Copy, Test, Compare and Verify, you can press the ESC
button to abort the operation. An Error message will be shown on the LCD.
Some DVD writers will cause the duplicator to reset. You have will need to
re-start the power to get the duplicator to function properly.
A failed reading may cause an error message to show on the LCD display.
Change the master DVD and try again.
During the operation, if message shows error read, buffer under run or writing error
occurs, the LCD will show an error message like: Pass xx, failed xx.
If there is no device connected and detected by duplicator during power-on,
the duplicator will show an error message on the LCD before entering the main menu.
3. The DVD-ROM cannot read disc and shows error message.
Check the format of the master DVD or master DVD itself for damage.
Use any of the DVD-Writers to read the master. If it works, the DVD-ROM may be
defective or incompatible with the DVD-ROM.
4. The buttons do not function.
May still be busy on task.
Button malfunction.
Faulty board.
5. Copy is completed but DVD-R disc is not readable / executable?
Use the compare function to check.
Insert into another DVD-ROM drive to test.
6. The failure rate is high.
Lower the speed of the DVD-Writers and try again.
The quality of blank disc is poor.
Check for latest firmware version.
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
Check the DVD-Writer’s maximum writing speed. If you want to copy at 24X writing
process or higher, please copy to hard drive first and then to DVD.
7. It cannot boot-up or fails to upgrade firmware.
Contact your dealer to solve the problem. Please note you may be charged
for this.
Check whether the BIOS program is correct. Customers tend to download the
wrong program or simply write the zipped file to the CD. You should unzip the file
before writing it onto the CD.
A failed upgrade might cause a failed boot up. This can only be solved by returning
the control board to the agent or factory directly. It is not necessary to return the
entire system after a failed upgrade.
8. It cannot find the “12. Adv Setup” function.
Press the ESC button for 2 seconds to enter the Adv Setup.
9. To cancel the duplicator working process.
Press the ESC button for 2 seconds to cancel any Copy, Test, or Verify etc.
function while the job in progress.
Copyright©2005 ILY Enterprise, Inc. All rights reserved.
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