Document #: 555-660-138
Comcode 108196171
Issue 1, February 1998
Communications System
Telephones User’s Guide
Your MDC 9000 or MDW 9000/9010 Telephone ....................................................... 1
Describes the buttons and display
Understanding Your Telephone ......................................................................... 2
Line Button Types, Tones, Rings, Line Buttons, Using a Feature Button ..................... 3
Feature Finder .......................................................................................... 4–5
Use to choose the right feature for the activity you want to perform.
Headsets .................................................................................................... 6
Headpiece, Using Headsets
Call Handling ............................................................................................... 7
Making & Answering Calls, Conference, Hold, Transfer
Messaging ............................................................................................... 8–9
Leaving Messages, Receiving Messages........................................................... 8
Posting Messages, Signaling & Notify.............................................................. 9
Using Features ........................................................................................... 10
Feature Button, Feature Codes
Often-Used Features ................................................................................ 11–19
Account Codes, Authorization Codes ............................................................. 11
Auto Dial ............................................................................................... 12
Callback, Call Waiting .............................................................................. 13
Camp-On, Coverage, Direct Voice Mail........................................................... 14
Do Not Disturb, Forward & Follow Me ............................................................ 15
Last Number Dial, Paging ........................................................................... 16
Park & Pickup, Personal Speed Dial .............................................................. 17
Pickup, Privacy, Recall ............................................................................. 18
Reminders, Saved Number Dial, System Speed Dial ............................................ 19
Troubleshooting ..................................................................................... 20–21
Solving Common Problems
Programming Buttons & Settings ................................................................. 22–23
Programming Buttons, Programming Settings, Special Characters ......................... 22
Programming Codes.................................................................................. 23
Pull-Out Card
Remove this and use it to keep track of speed dial codes, group numbers, and other .....
information about your phone and system.
Security Alert
Your Responsibility for Your System’s Security
Toll fraud, the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example,
persons other than your company’s employees, agents, subcontractors, or persons working on your
company’s behalf) can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services. You
are responsible for the security of your system. There may be a risk of toll fraud associated with your
telecommunications system. Your system administrator should read all installation, instruction, and
system administration documents provided with this product to fully understand the features that can
introduce the risk of toll fraud and the steps that can be taken to reduce that risk. Lucent Technologies
does not warrant that this product is immune from or will prevent unauthorized use of common-carrier
telecommunication services or facilities accessed through or connected to it. Lucent Technologies will not
be responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use.
Your MDC 9000 or MDW 9000/9010 Telephone
User Instructions
-Handset Display-
2 3
(MDC 9000) A quick reference
To Update Display:
Press Status
Headset On/Off Button
Press to turn the headset on and
to most important cordless
phone features.
Two Loud Beeps means:
Move Closer to Base Unit
Move Closer to Base Unit
Headset Jack
(MDC 9000) For headset adapter
Directory Card
(MDC 9000, behind cover)
Handset Display
Displays status of lines and
range. For details, see figure
5 — BATT appears when there are only a few
minutes of conversation time left. Handset
gives 2 short beeps. Place handset on the
base to recharge.
1 — Line Status Indicators show status of
outside and inside lines. Arrow or rectangle
“points” to the line button it represents and
flashes in different patterns to show activity
on the line (see box below).
Battery Charging
Handset batteries charge through
these contacts. Clean periodically
by rubbing them with a soft gum
6 — RANGE appears (and handset beeps twice)
if Status (off only) or On/Off button is
depressed when handset is out of the base’s
range. To make or receive calls, move
handset closer to base.
Outside Line/
Intercom/ Drop
Buttons (6)
See Line Buttons,
p. 3, for line button
2 — P appears when in program mode.
3 — STAT (MDC 9000 only) appears steady-on
when handset is out of range. Remains until
all line status indicators are updated.
Volume Control
(MDC 9000) Slide the switch to
adjust the volume of the earpiece to
Normal or High.
(MDW 9000/9010) An 8-interval
pushbutton controls the ringer
volume when the phone is off and
the receiver volume when the
phone is on.
7 — ON appears when the handset is turned on
MUTE (MDW 9000/9010 only) appears when
after you pressed On/Off.
the handset microphone is off.
8 — 18 (MDW 9010 only) indicates Local Test
Mode; 1 through 10 are used in Wireless
Test Mode.
4 — MSG appears when you have received a voice
mail message.
Press to put a call on hold
(see p. 7).
-Line Status Indicators-
To turn the handset on, press
once. ON appears in the
display. To turn off, press
again. Turn on to make or an-
swer a call, and turn off to hang
up (see p. 7).
(MDC 9000) Press to turn on the
display when the handset is off,
or to update the display when the
STAT indicator appears.
Arrows ( or ) indicate the next available line.
indicates the line you’re using.
Rectangle (
) indicates activity at any extension.
Steady on indicates a busy line.
Flash Long on, long off indicates a ringing call.
Feat (Feature)
Press to enter program mode
(see p. 22).
(MDW 9000/9010) Press to turn
the microphone on/off so that
you can/cannot be heard by the
Off continuously indicates an idle line.
Wink Long on, short off indicates a call on hold.
Trans (Transfer)
Press to transfer a call to
another extension (see p. 7).
Conf (Conference)
Press to add another party to
your call (see p. 7).
MDC 9000
Note: This quide covers the MDC 9000, MDW 9000, and MDW 9010. The picture shows the MDC
9000. The differences are as follows:
Instead of a Status button, the MDW 9000 and MDW 9010 have a Mute button. Press the Mute
button to turn the handset and headset microphone off for privacy while having a conversation.
The Headset jack on the MDW 9000 and MDW 9010 is located at the bottom of the handset, above and
to the left of the Handset Extension Label.
Handset Extension
Write the extension number
on this label using a pencil
or ballpoint pen only.
Headset Jack
(MDW 9000/9010) For headset
adapter cord.
Understanding Your Telephone
Line Button Types
See Line Buttons, p. 3, for the location and definition of line buttons on your handset.
Dial tone (steady)
Busy (slow repeating tone)
Fast busy (fast repeating tone)
Error (alternating high-low tones) You dialed a number or used a feature incorrectly.
Confirmation (double break in
dial tone followed by steady tone)
You can make a call.
The phone you are calling is busy.
No lines are available.
All Telephones
Telephones with System Access (SA) Buttons
NNN-XXXX Make/receive outside calls only.
SA buttons give you access to inside or outside lines
for making and/or receiving calls. To make an outside
call on an SA button, first dial the dial-out code
(usually 9) that your system manager supplies. No
dial-out code is necessary when you call another
Telephones with ICOM Buttons
You used a feature correctly.
ICOM Ring Make/receive inside ringing calls.
ICOM Voice Make inside voice-announced calls
Callback (5 short beeps)
Call Waiting (1 or 2 beeps)
This call is receiving Callback treatment (see p. 13).
You have an inside (1 beep) or an outside (2 beeps)
call waiting (see p. 13).
SA Ring
Make/receive inside/outside ringing
and receive inside ringing calls.
Make (not receive) inside calls
SA Voice
Make/receive outside calls; receive
inside ringing calls; make inside
voice-announced calls.
Originate only.
SA Originate Make (not receive) inside and
Only outside calls.
Shared SA Make/receive calls for co-workers or
The table below helps you identify the different types of ringing. You can also personalize ringing at your
telephone or adjust ring timing for the line buttons where calls arrive. Programming Buttons &
Settings, p. 22, tells you how to change the settings. Listed below are your options:
• Personalized Ring. (MDW 9000/9010 only) Allows you to give calls ringing at your phone one of
eight distinctive rings.
• Abbreviated Ringing. When you are on a call and another call arrives at your phone, you can use
this feature to give the second call a short ring.
• Immediate Ring. Calls ring immediately on line buttons set this way.
join conversations. The line is shared
with another co-worker(s). One
person has an SA button that is
shared with one or more others who
have SSA buttons corresponding to
it. See Rings for information about
how calls ring at these buttons.
• Delay Ring. This setting causes calls to ring at your phone after a delay. If your calls are being
Make/receive outside calls only. Use
the dial-out code supplied by your
system manager.
covered, this allows time for another person to answer a call before you do.
• No Ring. Calls do not ring (except for returning transferred and Callback calls). Calls on lines set for
No Ring do not receive coverage (p. 14).
• Send Ring. Usually, when a call comes in on an SA button, it rings there immediately and rings at
corresponding SSA buttons after a delay, giving the person with the SA button time to answer before
the call is picked up by someone with a corresponding SSA button. When busy on another call, the
person with the SA button can use the Send Ring setting to make calls arriving at other SA buttons
ring immediately on corresponding SSA buttons.
To clean your phone, unplug it from the wall jack (if applicable) and use a slightly dampened cloth. To
prevent permanent damage, do not immerse the phone in water or any liquid, and do not use liquid or
aerosol cleaners directly on the telephone.
1 long ring
Inside call or returning Callback call (see p. 13) on
MDC 9000
1 short ring and 1 long ring
2 short rings and 1 long ring
Outside call
Outside call is transferred to you, returning transferred
call, or returning Callback call (see p. 13) on
MDW 9000/9010
Line Buttons
The lower buttons are programmed as shown below. 3,4, and 5 are programmable line buttons
The Voice Announce setting should be turned off because the handset does not have a speaker
function. The system manager can turn Voice Announce off at your extension through system
To turn Voice Announce off with your handset:
1. Turn the phone on and press the imprinted Feat button; then dial 00.
2. Press any ICOM or SA button.
3. Dial ✻✻10.
4. Press the imprinted Feat button; then dial 00 to exit program mode.
You cannot be assigned to a paging group.
Ringing options should be used with caution.
Using a Feature Button
To use many system features, you can either program a Feature button or dial # before entering a
programmed, there will be two Feature buttons on the handset:
• The programmed Feature button. If you choose to program a Feature button, use the top right
line button for this purpose (button 5, above).
Throughout this book, we refer to the programmed Feature button. The telephone Feat button used
to enter program mode is the imprinted Feat button.
Feature Finder
This table shows where to look for information about performing specific telephone activities. Any
features that do not have detailed instructions can be used by following the directions in Using
Settings (p. 22).
If you want to ...
Dial numbers with the touch of a button.
Program codes for numbers you dial often.
Broadcast over the company’s loudspeaker system.
Make and answer calls with no hands.
For information about a headset, see p. 6.
Automatically redial a number you dialed before.
Connect to an extension or outside line when it’s
free (phones with SA buttons only).
Enter an account code before or during a call.
Know if someone is calling you when all your other
lines are in use.
Disconnect the call you’re on without hanging up.
Set up a conference with as many as 4 others.
Transfer a call.
Reach a voice mailbox without calling the person.
Make a call from another extension, using your own
calling privileges.
Put a call on hold.
Customizing Your Phone
Program a feature on an unused line button.
Adjust volume of the earpiece or ringer.
Give your phone its own distinctive ring
(MDW 9000/9010 only).
Delay or remove the ring from an outside, SA, or
ICOM line button.
Feature Finder
Covering Calls
If you want to ...
Have a co-worker answer your calls.
Answer all of a co-worker’s calls from your telephone.
Stop your calls from being covered by others.
Stop your outside calls from going to your company’s
voice mail system (or send calls to voice mail).
Forward your calls to another telephone.
Answer your calls from another extension.
Answer a call ringing at a co-worker’s extension.
Answer a call on a line that’s not on your phone.
Put a call on hold at a busy extension until your
co-worker is ready for it or complete a transfer to an
extension that doesn’t answer.
If your phone system doesn’t have voice mail,
Hold a call when you’re trying to transfer it and your
co-worker doesn’t answer; page your co-worker while
the call waits.
Let a co-worker know you called.
Find out if you have a voice mail message, fax, or
other message.
Signal a co-worker to contact you.
Choose a message to leave for co-workers who have
display phones.
Reach a voice mailbox without calling the person.
Prevent co-workers from joining your calls.
Remind yourself of appointments.
Your Lucent Technologies cordless or wireless phone is equipped with a single-prong headset jack on
the left, near the volume control switch (MDC 9000), or on the bottom, near the extension label (MDW
Your headset assists in call answering and provides hands-free operation.
The headpiece provides sound in one ear. It has an adjustable headband and soft ear cushion. The
noise-canceling microphone reduces background noise by up to 75%.
Important: The range of the handset is diminished when you are using the headset. Therefore, you
may need to move closer to the base, or move the base closer to your operating area.
Using Headsets
When you receive a call, you hear ringing
coming from the handset; you do not hear a
tone from the headset itself. To answer a call,
activate the headset On/Off button near the
antenna, or if you prefer, the On/Off button
to the left of the Hold button (if the handset is
not in the holster).
Placing Calls with a Headset
To place a call with a headset:
1. Remove the handset from the holster.
When using a headset, the 12-inch (30-cm)
headset adapter cord is required. The “quick
disconnect” plug on the headset adapter cord
attaches to the headset. The headset adapter
miniplug is then inserted into the headset jack
on the handset.
If desired, the headset adapter cord can be
removed from the handset without the call
being dropped. You can then use the handset
as you normally would.
Note: Calls cannot be heard on the handset
when the headset adapter cord is connected to
the headset jack. The handset microphone is
also disabled.
2. Press the On/Off button to access an
available line.
3. Dial the number as described in Making &
Answering Calls with a Headset
For convenience when using the holster, the
headset On/Off button near the antenna should
be used. This button will become active only
when the headset adapter cord is plugged into
the headset jack. It is identical in function to the
On/Off button to the left of the Hold button.
Headset Jack
(MDC 9000)
Do not plug any other devices
into the headset jack.
MDC 9000
Headset Jack
(MDW 9000/9010)
Call Handling
Making & Answering Calls
First, review pp. 1–2 to find out about the buttons, tones, and rings on your telephone. If you have
a headset, see p. 6. In this guide, instructions for using features may not include all the possible
ways you can make a call.
To make a call, press the On/Off button. A line button is automatically selected for you. To make a
call on a specific line (for example, an SA or ICOM line for a voice-announced call), select an idle
line button and press it before pressing the On/Off button.
To answer a call, press the On/Off button.
A conference call can have up to three inside
participants, including yourself and up to two
outside participants.
When you have a call or conference on hold,
your phone beeps once each minute.
1. Press the Hold button to put a call on hold.
(Do not press Drop to end a conference
while the call is on hold.)
1. Dial the first outside number or extension.
Announce the call.
2. Press the Conf button to put the call on
2. To return to the call or conference, press
the winking ICOM, SA, or line button that is
holding the call.
3. Select an ICOM, SA, or numbered line
4. Dial the next number or extension.
5. Announce the call and press Conf.
6. Repeat Steps 2–5 for each participant.
• Press the Drop button and line button to
drop any participant added.
• Press the Hold button to temporarily
leave the conference. Then press any
participant’s line button to rejoin the
To transfer:
1. Press the Trans button. The system selects
an ICOM or SA button and puts the call on
2. Dial the extension or the outside number.
3. Announce the call if desired.
4. Press the Trans button or hang up. To
cancel the transfer or return to the call on
hold, press the winking ICOM, SA, or line
7. To end the conference, hang up.
To one-touch manual transfer:
If the system selects an SA Voice button
when you add a conference participant, you
hear a beep instead of ringing after you dial
the extension. If the call is not answered and
you press the Conf button to complete the
call, your conversation with other conference
participants is broadcast on the extension’s
speakerphone. To prevent this, be sure to
drop an unanswered extension that you’ve
called on an SA Voice button.
1. Press the programmed Auto Dial button
transfer the call.
2. Announce the call.
3. Press the Trans button or hang up. To
cancel the transfer or return to the call on
hold, press the flashing button.
To one-touch auto transfer if available:
Press the programmed Auto Dial button.
Your phone system has several features that allow you to leave messages for others in your office. If you
use Leave Message or Posted Messages, the person(s) for whom you are leaving a message must have
a display phone. If you wish to leave a message for a person who does not have a display telephone,
message for the person. Here are some guidelines for different messaging features:
• Leave Message. This feature simply lets a co-worker know you have called. The message shows
your name and the date and time of your call. If you leave one message and then another, the second
message replaces the first.
see the posted message you have selected. As many as 20 messages may be available for posting.
If a message is waiting for you, MSG appears on your display when you turn on your phone. The
descriptions below explain how to read, cancel, and delete messages you have sent or received.
If your company has voice mail, ask your system manager for details about using the voice mail system.
If you frequently communicate with a small number of people, there are two features you can use, both
of which require programming on a button. These are Signaling and Notify, described on p. 9.
Leaving Messages
Receiving Messages
If MSG appears on your display when you turn
your phone on, you have a message from the
system operator. Depending on how your
system is set up, you may also have a voice
mail message or a fax.
Call your system operator for the message or
ask your system manager how to retrieve a
voice mail message.
To program:
To leave a message at a busy or unanswered
extension you are calling:
• Press the Leave Message button you
have programmed, OR
Press # or the programmed Feature
button and dial 25.
To remove the message indicator, press # or
the programmed Feature button and dial 54.
• To leave a voice mail message (if your
company has such a system), press # or
the programmed Feature button and
To leave a message without calling:
1. Press # or the programmed Feature button
and dial 53.
2. Dial the extension.
To cancel a message:
1. Press # or the programmed Feature button
and dial ✻53.
2. Dial the extension.
Posting Messages
To program:
To post messages, you must program a Posted Messages button. A posted message appears on
the display of any inside caller who tries to reach you, as long as that person has a display
phone.There may be as many as 20 messages available to you for posting. Message 1 is always
DO NOT DISTURB *; 9 other messages, listed below, come with the system, but these can be
changed by your system manager. The remaining 10 messages are created by your system
manager, whom you should ask for details.
To post a message:
Press the programmed Posted Messages button and dial the code for the message (01–20).
To cancel a posted message:
Press the programmed Posted Messages button and dial 00.
appropriate message is posted. When you turn off the Do Not Disturb feature, the posted message is
canceled too. However, posting or canceling the message does not activate or deactivate the feature.
Signaling & Notify
To program:
Signaling. Program a button that will cause a co-worker’s phone to beep. The other person can
then call you in response to the beep. You must program a different line button for each extension
you wish to contact. To beep the recipient’s phone, just press the button, and the other phone
beeps for as long as you hold down the button. A programmed Signaling button also acts as an
Signaling button.
Notify. This feature simply lights a line button on the recipient’s phone, providing a silent
message light that alerts the other party to call you. To use this feature, you must program a Notify
Send button (labeled, for example, Notify Mary) on your phone and the recipient must program a
Notify Receive button (labeled, for example, Call Jim) on his or her phone. Communication is
one-way only, and buttons must be programmed for each extension you notify.
Using Features
There are two ways to activate a feature:
• Directly, as explained below
Feature Button
To program a line button to be used as your Feature button:
1. Label a button as Feature.
2. Turn the phone on and press the imprinted Feat button; then dial 00.
3. Press the button you labeled.
4. Dial ✻20.
5. Press the imprinted Feat button; then dial 00.
To use a feature you have not programmed on a button:
1. Press # or the programmed Feature button.
2. Dial the feature code (see the Feature Codes list below).
Feature Codes
Account Code
Authorization Code
82 + code + #
80 + code + #
cancel message
leave message
✻ 53 + extension
Callback Cancel
Call Waiting
pick up call waiting call
Direct Voice Mail
Follow Me
✻ 55
leave message without
53 + extension
9 + line number
+ zone
turn off Message light
Paging loudspeaker
56 + extension
34 + extension
Personal Speed Dial
code (01–24)
33 + extension
33 + dial-out code
+ number + #
9 + extension
9 + line number
Forward and Follow Me
cancel from all
✻ 31
✻ 34 ✻
cancel from one
✻ 34 + extension
33 + your extension
set reminder
cancel reminder
System Speed Dial
cancel from your phone
Last Number Dial
81 + time + 2 or 7
✻ 81
code (600–729)
Available only by using feature code.
Often-Used Features
Account Codes
To program:
In some companies, you enter an account code before or during a call, to indicate client billing
information. You may be required to enter an account code for all outside calls, or an account code
may be optional for incoming and outgoing calls. Check with your system manager for account code
operation and account codes.
an account code on an outside Auto Dial button.
To enter an account code:
1. Turn the phone on and press the button you
have programmed, OR
To enter or change an account code during a
call (the other party cannot hear your entry),
you must use a programmed Feature button
code is entered for an incoming call before it
arrives, you cannot change that code during
the call.
Press # or the programmed Feature button
and dial 82.
2. Dial the account code and #.
3. If necessary, press an outside line, Pool, or
SA button.
4. Dial the number (including the dial-out code,
if required).
Authorization Codes
To program:
If your system manager has given you an authorization code, you can pick up someone else’s
telephone, enter your authorization code, and make an outside call with your own calling privileges.
You must activate the feature and enter your code for each call you make, even when you are
adding people to a conference. It is not necessary to use your authorization code for inside calls.
Using an authorization code does not affect the button assignments on your own phone or the
phone where you enter the code.
Security Alert
Compromise of authorization codes could lead to toll fraud or unauthorized charges.
Memorize your authorization code, and do not share it with anyone.
The way you activate the Authorization Code feature depends upon the type of telephone you are
using to make the call.
• If the telephone has a programmed Authorization Code button, press it. The system selects
a line and automatically activates the Speaker button (an available line button is selected for
you); then continue with Step 3 below.
• On an MLX display telephone, press the Feature button, then select AuthCode [Auth] from
the display or dial 80; then continue with Step 3 below.
To enter an authorization code at any type of phone (except a QCC):
1. Lift the handset or press the Speaker button. (You may first select an ICOM, SA, or SSA button.)
2. Dial #80.
3. Dial your authorization code, followed by #.
4. Dial the dial-out code (usually a 9) for an outside call and then dial the phone number.
5. To make another call, repeat Steps 1–4.
Often-Used Features
Auto Dial
This feature must be programmed on a line button; it dials an inside or outside number. There are
two types of Auto Dial buttons, inside and outside. Use inside Auto Dial buttons to:
• Dial other extensions or groups.
Use outside Auto Dial buttons to:
• Dial outside phone numbers (with dial-out codes but without account codes).
• Enter account codes automatically (when programming, include the # at the end).
• Dial long-distance company access codes.
• Dial emergency numbers.
sequence for the call.
To program on a button:
1. Label a button.
2. Turn the phone on and press the imprinted
Feat button; then dial 00.
To use an Auto Dial button.
1. To make a ringing call, turn the phone on
and press the programmed Auto Dial
3. Press the labeled button.
To make an inside voice-announced call,
turn the phone on, press an ICOM Voice
or SA Voice button, and then press the
programmed inside Auto Dial button.
4. Dial ✻22 for an inside number,
Dial ✻21 for an outside number.
5. Dial the extension, group page number, or
outside line (with dial-out code).
6. Repeat Steps 1 and 3–5 to program
additional buttons.
2. The call is dialed automatically. If it’s a
voice-announced call, talk after the beep.
7. Press the imprinted Feat button; then dial
Often-Used Features
To program:
You can use Callback when an outside line or inside extension is busy. Your phone must have at
least one SA button.
Use Callback to reach:
• Busy outside lines on Pool or SA buttons, when you dial the dial-out code and hear the fast
busy signal
• Busy extensions, when you dial and hear the busy signal
To use Callback when you hear the busy
(extension) or fast busy (outside line) signal:
4. Press the On/Off button. You hear dial tone
and the system dials the call.
1. Turn the phone on and press the button you
To cancel a Callback request:
have programmed, OR
1. Turn the phone on and press the same line
button you pressed when you tried to make
the call.
2. Press the Drop button.
3. Press the same line button again.
Press # or the programmed Feature button
and dial 55.
2. If you are trying to reach an outside line, dial
the outside telephone number.
3. After you hear 5 short beeps, press the On/
Off button to hang up. When the line or
extension is free, you hear 2 short rings and
a long ring at an MDW 9000/9010 and 1 long
ring at an MDC 9000.
Call Waiting
If Call Waiting is on, you hear a call-waiting tone when a call comes in and SA and ICOM buttons
are in use. This feature works only on SA and ICOM buttons, not on line buttons labeled with a
phone number. When a call is waiting, you hear a single beep (inside call) or 2 beeps (outside call).
To complete a call and answer a waiting call:
1. When you hear the call-waiting tone, press
the On/Off button to hang up.
2. When the phone rings, press the On/Off
button to answer the call.
4. To return to the call on hold, press the
button with the fast-flashing triangle.
To turn Call Waiting on or off:
1. Turn the phone on and press the imprinted
Feat button; then dial 00.
To put a call on hold and pick up a waiting call:
2. Press any ICOM or SA button.
1. Press the Hold button.
3. Dial ✻11 to turn Call Waiting on,
2. Press an ICOM Originate Only or SA
Originate Only button. (You must have one
of these buttons available to pick up the call.)
3. Press # or the programmed Feature button
and dial 87.
Dial ✻✻11 to turn Call Waiting off.
4. Press the imprinted Feat button; then dial
Often-Used Features
To program:
Use this feature to hold a call at a busy extension; the call rings when the extension
is available.
To camp on a busy extension so the call will ring at the extension when available:
Turn the phone on and press the programmed Camp-On button,
Press # or the programmed Feature button and dial 57.
Note: Do not use Camp-On if your system is equipped with a voice mail system.
To program:
Coverage allows calls to your extension to ring elsewhere, so that they can be handled by someone else.
If your system has voice mail, your calls can also be covered that way. There are three types of coverage:
• Primary Coverage.If your calls are covered this way, they ring immediately at the covering phone.
• Secondary Coverage. The covering phone rings after a delay of 2 rings, giving you a
chance to answer first.
• Group Coverage. Calls for a group of people (coverage group) may be covered by one or
more people. Your system manager can tell you how this works at your office.
Covering phones are programmed with Cover buttons used to answer calls for others. Delay Ring
on the covering phone can add a longer delay before your calls ring there. If line buttons on your
To control coverage inside calls, use these
programmable settings: Coverage Inside On
allows all your inside calls to ring elsewhere;
Coverage Inside Off turns inside coverage off.
You can also use programmed buttons for these
Coverage features:
• Use a Coverage VMS button to prevent or
allow coverage of your outside calls by a
voice mail system. These calls may still be
covered by a person at another extension.
• Use a Coverage Off button to turn off or
on all coverage of your calls.
Direct Voice Mail
To program:
Direct Voice Mail allows an inside caller to call directly or transfer a call directly to another user’s
voice mail. You can also use the feature after you have dialed the extension; just do Step 1 below.
To call directly to another user’s voice mail or transfer a call directly to another user’s voice mail:
1. Turn the phone on and press the programmed Direct Voice Mail button, OR
Turn the phone on, press # or the programmed Feature button, and dial 56.
2. Dial the extension whose voice mail you want to call or transfer to; you can use a programmed
Auto Dial button (p. 12).
Note: If you are transferring a call to an extension that does not have voice mail, you hear an error
tone, and the call returns to you after an interval.
Often-Used Features
Do Not Disturb
Must be programmed on a button. To program:
This feature prevents calls from ringing at your extension, although outside calls still flash at
line buttons. If you have coverage, your calls are covered. If you have a programmed Posted
to call you. Otherwise, they hear a busy signal. A system operator or the person providing individual
coverage for you can still call you. Callback calls and returning transfers ring at your phone.
To use:
Press the programmed button to turn on or off.
Forward & Follow Me
To program:
Forward and Follow Me both send your calls to another phone, either when you are busy and need
your calls covered or when you are not working at your own desk. Turn either off from your
extension or the one you are visiting.
• If you want your calls handled at another extension or at an outside number, turn on Forward
from your extension.
• If you are working away from your own phone, turn on Follow Me at the phone where you are.
If Delayed Call Forwarding is turned on through centralized telephone programming, calls ring at the
forwarding extension for the programmed number of rings (0–9) before being forwarded. To change
the Delayed Call Forwarding setting, contact your system manager.
To forward calls to another extension:
To cancel Forward and Follow Me, turn phone
on and:
• To cancel forwarding or following of your
own calls: at your extension, press # or
the programmed Feature button, dial 33
and your extension.
1. Turn the phone on and press the button you
have programmed, OR
Press # or the programmed Feature button
and dial 33.
2. Dial the extension.
• To cancel all extensions forwarded or
followed to yours: at your extension,
press # or the programmed Feature
button, dial ✻34✻.
• To cancel one extension forwarded or
followed to yours: at your extension,
press # or the programmed Feature
button, dial ✻34 and that extension.
To forward calls to an outside number (if
1. Turn the phone on and press the button you
have programmed, OR
Press # or the programmed Feature button
and dial 33.
2. Dial the dial-out code, outside number, and #.
To set up Follow Me and receive calls at
another extension:
1. Turn the phone on, press # or the
programmed Feature button, and dial 34.
2. Dial your extension.
Often-Used Features
Last Number Dial
To program:
This feature automatically redials the last number you called. You should program Last Number
Dial on a button.
To use:
1. Turn the phone on and press the type of button used to place the first call (for example, ICOM or SA).
2. Press the Last Number Dial button you programmed,
Press # or the programmed Feature button and dial 84.
To program:
You can page an individual at his or her phone by using an ICOM Voice or SA Voice button (see
phones, depending upon how your system is set up. If your company has a loudspeaker paging
system, use it to page the whole company or just people in a certain paging zone.
To program or use Speakerphone Paging,
check with your system manager for Group
Paging or Page All numbers, then:
Ask your system manager whether Loudspeaker
Paging is available and if there is a list of
paging zones. To use:
1. Turn the phone on and press any ICOM or
SA button.
1. Turn the phone on and press any ICOM or
SA button.
2. Dial the Group Paging or Page All number,
2. Press # or the programmed Feature button.
3. Dial 9, the loudspeaker line number, and
zone (if necessary).
4. Make the announcement and hang up.
To use when a button is programmed:
1. Turn the phone on and press the
programmed button.
Press the button you programmed for Group
Paging or Page All.
3. After the beep, make the announcement and
hang up.
2. Dial the zone, if necessary.
3. Make the announcement and hang up.
Often-Used Features
Park & Pickup
To program:
Park puts a call on a special kind of hold so that it can be answered from any phone in the system.
While a call is parked, use Paging to summon the co-worker who should answer. The person picks up
To use Park and Paging:
1. Park the call.
• Press the Park button you programmed,
• Press the Trans button, dial your
extension, and press Trans again.
2. Set up the page.
• For Speakerphone Paging:
• For Loudspeaker Paging:
a) Press the programmed Loudspeaker
Paging button,
Press # or the programmed Feature
button, dial 9 and the loudspeaker paging
number. If necessary, dial the zone.
b) Announce the call and the extension
where the call is parked.
3. Hang up.
To pick up a parked call:
1. Press the On/Off button.
2. Press the programmed Pickup button, OR
Press # or the programmed Feature button
and dial 9.
a) Press the appropriate Group Page or
Page All button,
Press any ICOM or SA button and dial
the Group Page or Page All extension.
b) Announce the call and give your
3. Dial the extension where the call is parked.
Personal Speed Dial
Use this feature to program 2-digit codes that you can dial in place of frequently used numbers.
Include the complete dialing sequence and press and release the Hold button to enter a dialing pause.
You can program up to 24 numbers using 2-digit codes. You cannot program an account code
together with a phone number in a Personal Speed Dial code.
To program Personal Speed Dial codes:
To use:
1. Turn the phone on and press the imprinted
1. Select a line button.
2. Press # or the programmed Feature button.
3. Dial the 2-digit code (01–24).
Feat button; then dial 00.
2. Dial # and the 2-digit code (01–24); then
dial ✻21.
3. Dial the phone number or account code. Dial
the entire sequence, including dial-out code.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for additional codes.
5. Press the imprinted Feat button; then
dial 00.
Often-Used Features
Pickup lets you pick up calls that are not ringing at your phone. Using Pickup, you can answer a
parked call (see Park & Pickup, p. 17), a call ringing at a specific extension, or a call ringing on
a specific line. If you are part of a pickup group, you can pick up a call ringing anywhere in the
group. Program a general Pickup button that activates the feature or a specific Pickup button to
take a group call (example: Pickup Sales) or a call at a specific line or extension (example:
Pickup Maria).
Ask your manager if you are a member of a Pickup group and get the Pickup group number.
To program:
To use, turn the phone on and:
1. Label a button.
2. Turn the phone on and press the imprinted
Feat button; then dial 00.
• Press the programmed button,
Press # or the programmed Feature
button and dial 9.
For a line or extension that is not
programmed on the button, dial the
extension or line number.
• For Group Pickup, press # or the
programmed Feature button and dial 88.
3. Press the labeled button.
4. For Individual Pickup, dial ✻9; if the button
is for a specific line or extension, dial it, OR
For Group Pickup, dial ✻88.
5. Press the imprinted Feat button; then dial 00.
To program:
Privacy prevents co-workers who share a line with you from joining your calls. Turn the feature on
before or during a call; it remains on until you turn it off. A call on hold is not protected by Privacy.
You should program Privacy on a button, so that you will have a green light to remind you when the
feature is on.
To program:
To use the Recall feature you must have a programmed Recall button on your telephone. It
allows you to disconnect from one call and get a new inside or outside dial tone for a new call,
without hanging up. In some systems, the Recall button allows you to use certain system features,
such as Transfer or Hold. Recall works on inside and outside lines on ICOM, SA, or personal line
buttons, but it is not available for all types of outside lines. Ask your system manager how Recall
works on your company’s telephone system.
Often-Used Features
To program:
The Reminders feature allows you to set a time when your phone will ring like an alarm clock. Once
your phone rings as an alarm, the reminder is canceled. You can set only one alarm at a time and it
must be for the day you set it.
To set a reminder:
To cancel a reminder:
1. Turn the phone on and press the Reminder
Set button you have programmed,
Press # or the programmed Feature button
and dial 81.
Press the Reminder Set button you have
Press # or the programmed Feature button and
dial ✻81.
2. Dial a 4-digit time from 0100 to 1259.
3. Dial 2 (letter A on dialpad) for a.m. or 7
(letter P on dialpad) for p.m.
Saved Number Dial
Must be programmed on a button. To program:
Use this feature to redial a busy or unavailable number you want to try later.
To use:
1. Before pressing the On/Off button to hang up, press the Saved Number Dial button you have
2. To redial call, press the same type of button used to place the call (for example, ICOM, Pool, or SA).
3. Press the programmed Saved Number Dial button to redial.
System Speed Dial
To program:
Your system manager creates System Speed Dial codes (600–729) for numbers that people in your
company dial often. You can dial these directly (turn the phone on, press # or the programmed
Feature button, and dial the code) or program often-used codes on line buttons.
If you have a problem with your cordless or wireless phone, you may be able to solve it by following
procedures listed here.
Possible Cause
Possible Solution
RANGE indicator appears
on the handset display.
The handset is out of range Move closer to the base or radio module.
of the base or radio module.
No ring on an incoming
call, or the handset makes
hissing sounds†, or the
handset beeps††.
Out of range
Move closer to the base or radio module.
Rotate the antenna to an upright position.
Base antenna is not in the
upright position
the line does not ring at
the extension.
Wrong handset placed in
the base†
Place the correct handset in the base for
at least 10 seconds.
Environmental limitations
Relocate the base or radio module.
Range for calls is lower
than expected.
Headset use is limiting the Turn off or unplug any nearby equipment.
Eliminate any possible interfering devices
(e.g., microwaves).
Move closer to the base or radio module.
You are out of range. Your Move back towards the radio module and
While walking and
talking, the handset
beeps, RANGE appears
on the display, and your
calls seems to be
call has not been
disconnected. It has been
placed on hold.
The handset is too far from Move closer to the base, OR
STAT indicator appears
on the handset display†.
the base for the display to
be updated automatically.
Press Status to update the display.
The battery is not charged
Charge battery:
BATT indicator appears
on the handset display.
Replace the handset on base†.
Place the handset in the battery charger
and see that the Charge light is lit††.
The battery pack is not
inserted correctly in the
Insert the battery pack correctly into the
After the On/Off button is
pressed, dial tone is not
The battery is not charged
Charge the battery.
The handset is out of range Move closer to the radio module.
of the radio module†.
There is electrical
Remove the interference or move the
handset to another location.
The Mute button was
If Mute appears in the display, press the
Mute button on the handset to turn off
You can hear the party on
the other end, but they
cannot hear you.
pressed inadvertently††.
MDC 9000 cordless telephone only.
†† MDW 9000/9010 wireless telephone only.
Possible Solution
Possible Cause
Remove the battery from the handset for
10 seconds, then replace it††.
Handset does not respond There was a recent
to repeated button
occurrence of lightning or
a power failure.
Remove the handset from the base and
then replace it for 10 seconds†.
Unplug the line cord from the base for
one minute, then reconnect it†.
Check to see if the radio module is
receiving power††.
Unplug the base from the AC outlet for
one minute, plug it back into the outlet,
and place the handset on the base for 10
Background noise while
on a call.
Radio frequency
Relocate the base†.
In a multiple handset
installation (2–6
handsets), all handsets
seem to have developed
interference problems at
the same time††.
There was a recent
occurrence of lightning or
a power failure.
Unplug the power supply to the radio
base station. Wait for 10 seconds.
Reconnect the power supply to the outlet.
MDC 9000 cordless telephone only.
†† MDW 9000/9010 wireless telephone only.
Programming Buttons & Settings
If you use a feature often, you can program it onto a line button for easy access. If you use a feature
Other features (marked with • on the Programming Codes list) are settings that affect the way your
phone works. Some settings, such as Personalized Ring, affect all the lines on your phone. During
programming, you still have to select a line button, but it can be any line button the feature affects. Others,
such as Delay Ring for a single line, are settings that affect a specific line and require you to press it during
programming (these features are noted on the Programming Codes list). Settings remain active until you
program them again.
Programming Buttons
To program a feature on an unused line button:
1. Label a button for the feature.
2. Press the imprinted Feat button, then dial 00.
3. Press the button you labeled.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to program other buttons. (Label the buttons first.)
6. Press the imprinted Feat button, then dial 00.
Programming Settings
To program a setting:
1. Press the imprinted Feat button, then dial 00.
2. Press any ICOM or SA button, OR
If the setting affects a specific line, press that button.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to program other settings.
5. Press the imprinted Feat button, then dial 00.
Special Characters
Features that dial numbers automatically may need special characters to allow for correct dialing or
system response.
See... Means...
Stop. Halts dialing sequence to allow for system response.
Pause. Inserts 1.5-sec. pause in dial sequence. Multiple consecutive pauses
Flash. Sends switchhook flash. Must be first entry in sequence.
End of Dialing. Used to signal end of dialing sequence or to separate grouped
Copyright © 1998, Lucent Technologies. MERLIN LEGEND is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies in the U.S. and
other countries.
Programming Buttons & Settings
Programming Codes
Account Code
Authorization Code
Auto Dial♦
✻ 82
✻ 80
Personal Speed Dial
# + (01–24) +
✻ 21 + phone
number + #
# + (01–24) +
✻ 21 + dial-out
code + # #
✻ 22 + extension
✻ 21 + number
automatic callback off•▲
automatic callback on•▲
selective callback
cancel Callback
Call Waiting•
Coverage inside on•
Coverage inside off•
Buttons for covering calls♦
Primary Cover
✻ 55
✻ 55
✻ 9
✻ 88
✻ 9 + extension
✻ 9 + line number
✻ 31
✻✻ 11
✻ 11
✻ 57
✻ 775
Reminder Service
set reminder
cancel reminder
Ringing Options•
abbreviated on
abbreviated off
delayed all lines
delayed one line
immediate all lines
immediate one line
no ring all lines
no ring one line
personalized ring (MDW only) ✻ 32 + ring (1–8)
send ring on
send ring off
Saved Number Dial♦
Signaling and Notify♦
✻ 81
✻✻ 81
✻ 48
✻✻ 48
✻ 341
✻ 342
✻ 346
✻ 36
✻ 347
✻ 37
✻ 40 + sender’s
extension number
✻ 41 + sender’s
extension number
✻ 42 + sender’s
extension number
Secondary Cover
Group Cover
✻ 345
✻ 35
Buttons for sending calls♦
Coverage Off
Coverage VMS Off
(outside calls only)
Direct Voice Mail
Do Not Disturb♦
Last Number Dial
✻ 49
✻ 46
✻ 15
✻✻ 15
✻ 85
✻ 56
✻ 47
✻ 33
✻ 84
✻ 23 + extension
✻ 758 + extension
✻ 757 + extension
notify receive
notify send
leave message
posted message♦
Paging group or all
✻ 25
✻ 751
✻ 22 + group
✻ 9 + line number
✻ 86
System Speed Dial
✻ 24 + code
Voice Announce
✻ 10
✻✻ 10
Paging loudspeaker
◆ Must be programmed onto a line button.
Sets up how your phone works. Use a line button to program (turn on or off). The setting is not
programmed onto a line button.
▲ See your system manager for details.
Paging Group/Page All
No. Loudspeaker Paging
Group Name
No. Group Name
Called Party
Code Called Party
Feature Codes
Account Code
Authorization Code
82 + code + #
80 + code + #
cancel message
leave message
✻ 53 + extension
Callback Cancel
Call Waiting
pick up call waiting call
Direct Voice Mail
Follow Me
✻ 55
leave message without
53 + extension
9 + line number
+ zone
turn off Message light
Paging loudspeaker
56 + extension
34 + extension
Personal Speed Dial
code (01–24)
33 + extension
33 + dial-out code
+ number + #
9 + extension
9 + line number
Forward and Follow Me
cancel from all
✻ 31
✻ 34 ✻
cancel from one
✻ 34 + extension
33 + your extension
set reminder
cancel reminder
System Speed Dial
cancel from your phone
Last Number Dial
81 + time + 2 or 7
✻ 81
code (600–729)
Available only by using feature code.
Special Characters
Features that dial numbers automatically may need special characters to allow for correct dialing or
system response.
See... Means...
Stop. Halts dialing sequence to allow for system response.
Pause. Inserts 1.5-sec. pause in dial sequence. Multiple consecutive pauses
Flash. Sends switchhook flash. Must be first entry in sequence.
End of Dialing. Used to signal end of dialing sequence or to separate grouped
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