Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE™
Stopwatch Timer
Application Note
Kim-Chyan Gan
and Yuval Ronen
Rev. 0, 11/2000
Abstract and Contents
In software application development on embedded devices, optimization is critical. Optimized code
provides not only faster processing speed but also lower power consumption and longer battery life.
Optimized code also minimizes CPU load, enabling more applications to fit into a single chip. In selecting
a processor for a system, it is important to understand and compare the speed of execution of different
processors. All of these applications may require a stopwatch as a criterion for measurement. This
application note presents the stopwatch timer application developed on the Software Development
Platform (SDP). The stopwatch timer is implemented using the Enhanced OnCE™ resource, which is
non-intrusive to SC140 operation, therefore, timing can be correctly measured. Two stopwatch techniques,
with and without source code modification, are presented. This application note also explains how to port
stopwatch applications to other SC140 based devices.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Setting Up the Stopwatch Timer Within an Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Initializing the Stopwatch Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Putting it All Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Setting Up the Stopwatch Timer Within the Debugger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Initializing the Stopwatch Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Setting Up the System Clock Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Setting Up the PLL in Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Verifying Correct Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Using the LED on the SDP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Abstract and Contents
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Complete Example of Profiling
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
A stopwatch timer is an apparatus for measuring the exact duration of an event. Measuring time during
execution of code on a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) is useful to identify opportunities for code
optimization, to understand system loading, and to compare execution speeds of different processors.
This application note presents techniques to implement a stopwatch timer on the StarCore, SC140, using
the built-in features of the DSP’s Enhanced On-Chip Emulation (OnCE) module.
Although many devices with embedded DSPs provide application-specific timer blocks, these timers
cannot be used for debugging purposes without interference from the application itself. The ability to use
the Enhanced OnCE as a stopwatch timer allows for non-intrusive timing capabilities and is available on
any system that integrates the SC140 core.
Two techniques to set up the stopwatch timer are described in this application note:
1. Setting up the stopwatch timer using the SC140 code within an application.
2. Setting up the stopwatch timer using the Metrowerks Code Warrior debugger .
The examples given in this application note describe the use of the stopwatch timer in the StarCore,
SC140’s Software Development Platform (SDP). Minor configuration changes are needed to apply the
techniques to other SC140-based devices. The necessary modifications are also described in this
application note.
Stopwatch Timer Capabilities,” describes the specific capabilities of the stopwatch timer for the SC140
Stopwatch Timer Within the Debugger,” presents the set up of the stopwatch timer within the Metrowerks
Code Warrior debugger.
Supporting information is included in the remainder of the document. Section 5, “Setting Up the System
hardware and software applications. Section 6, “Verifying Correct Setup,” describes techniques to verify
that the system is set up correctly and that the measurements are reasonable. The Section 7, “Conclusion,”
provides a summary of this document. Section 8, “References,” lists additional documentation to help the
Enhanced OnCE stopwatch timer in the SC140.
1. At the time this application note was written, the release of Metrowerks Code Warrior is Beta v.1.0. All the figures related to screen capture
of Code Warrior tools may vary in future versions.
SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
This section presents the features of the Enhanced OnCE stopwatch timer and the resources required for
implementation. The capabilities of the implementation of the stopwatch timer are also explained.
2.1 Features
The Enhanced OnCE stopwatch timer provides the following features:
A 64-bit counter, incrementing on each DSP clock cycle. The counter is less susceptible to overflow
with 64-bit precision.
The stopwatch timer can be used repeatedly during the execution of an application.
Conversion between clock cycles and absolute time, based on the operating clock frequency of the DSP, is
2.2 Resources
The Enhanced OnCE stopwatch timer requires use of these resources:
One Enhanced OnCE event detector (of the six available on each DSP)
The Enhanced OnCE event counter
Program memory of 724 bytes
Because the Enhanced OnCE supports only one event counter, the stopwatch timer cannot be used if the
event counter is required for other debugging purposes (such as; the set up of a debugger breakpoint that
requires counting occurrences of events).
2.3 Implementation
The stopwatch timer implementation allocates a variable in memory which serves as the target for memory
write operations. The Enhanced OnCE event detector is set up to detect writes to this flag variable. When
setting up of an Enhanced OnCE event detector to detect memory access operations, it is necessary to
specify which of the two data memory buses should be “snooped”. Because the selection of the bus to be
used is performed dynamically, the event detector is set up to snoop both buses (XABA or XABB). Upon
detecting the write to the flag variable, the event detector enables the Enhanced OnCE event counter,
which starts counting down.
The Enhanced OnCE event counter can be configured as either a 64-bit counter or a 32-bit counter.
Configuring the counter to use 64-bits eliminates the danger of counter overflow, at a negligible extra cost.
To stop the stopwatch timer, an appropriate value is written into the Enhanced OnCE memory-mapped
event counter control register. When this operation is completed, the cycle countdown halts. At this point it
is possible to read out the values of the Enhanced OnCE event counter registers, and translate them into
elapsed number of cycles, or elapsed absolute time.
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
Setting Up the Stopwatch Timer Within an
This section describes the operations necessary to initialize, start, and stop the stopwatch timer within an
application. The sequence of operations is shown in Figure 1. Additionally, this section presents the
conversion of cycles to actual time and puts all the application code together. Finally, this section explains
how to adapt the stopwatch timer code to other SC140-based devices.
Initialize Stopwatch
Enable Stopwatch
Sequence Instructions
to be Timed
Disable Stopwatch
Figure 1. Sequence of Operations
3.1 Initializing the Stopwatch Timer
The C code to set up the stopwatch timer is shown in Code 1.
Code 1. Event Detector Setup Code
* Header file contains definitions of EOnCE memory-mapped register addresses,
* and definition of the WRITE_IOREG() macro.
#include “EOnCE_registers.h”
static volatile long EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_flag;
/*Global dummby variable*/
void EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_init()
/* Address to snoop for on XABA */
/* Address to snoop for on XABB */
/* No masking is performed in address comparison */
/* Detect writes on both XABA and XABB */
The header file “EOnCE_registers.h” contains the macro definitions, such as EDCA1_MASK, which
provides each of the Enhanced OnCE memory-mapped register’s corresponding memory address.
This header file also defines the C macros: READ_IOREG() and WRITE_IOREG(). These macros
simplify the read and write operations on memory-mapped registers.
Setting Up the Stopwatch Timer Within an Application
Initializing the stopwatch timer consists of setting up the Address Event Detection Channel (EDCA). The
role of EDCA in the stopwatch timer implementation is to trigger the commencement of the cycle
countdown. The Enhanced OnCE supports six EDCAs. The implementation presented in this application
note uses EDCA1, though this choice is arbitrary.
Set up of the EDCA requires initializing the following four registers:
The 32-bit EDCA reference value register A (EDCA1_REFA).
The 32-bit EDCA reference value register B (EDCA1_REFB).
The 32-bit EDCA mask register (EDCA1_MASK).
The 16-bit EDCA control register (EDCA1_CTRL).
3.1.1 Event Detector Control
The register, EDCA1_CTRL, controls the behavior of the EDCA. The fields of the EDCA1_CTRL register
are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. EDCA Control Register (EDCA1_CTRL)
Table 1 describes the settings of these fields in the stopwatch timer implementation.
Table 1. EDCA_CTRL Settings
(binary value)
This channel is enabled
Trigger event if address matches either comparator A or comparator B
An “address match” is detected when sampled bus value equals value in
An “address match” is detected when sampled bus value equals value in
Detect write access only
The sampled buses are XABA and XABB
The EDCA becomes enabled as soon as these values are written into the control register. The EDCA stays
enabled for the duration of the program execution to enable repeated use of the stopwatch timer.
3.1.2 Address Comparison Setup
The purpose of the address comparison in the EDCA is to detect writes to the stopwatch timer flag
variable. Because writes may take place on either of the two data memory buses, both registers,
EDCA1_REFA and EDCA1_REFB, are set up to contain the address of the stopwatch timer flag variable.
The register EDCA1_MASK allows masking of address bits when comparing the sampled address with
those in the EDCA1_REFA and EDCA1_REFB registers. In the implementation of the stopwatch timer all
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
32-bits of the flag variable’s address are used. Thus, EDCA1_MASK is set to 0xffffffff, meaning all
address bits will be compared.
3.2 Starting the Stopwatch Timer
Code 2. C Code to Start the Stopwatch Timer
#include “EOnCE_registers.h”
void EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_start()
WRITE_IOREG(ECNT_VAL,MAX_32_BIT); /* Countdown will start at (2**32)-1 */
/* Extension will count up from zero */
/* Counting will be triggered by detection on EDCA1 */
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_flag = 0;
/* This write to the flag triggers the counter */
Before triggering the stopwatch timer, it is necessary to initialize the counter registers. Initializing the
event counter requires set up of the following three 32-bit registers:
Event counter value register (ECNT_VAL)
Extension counter value register (ECNT_EXT)
Event counter control register (ECNT_CTRL)
Once these initializations are complete, the C code triggers the stopwatch timer and cycle counting
3.2.1 Event Counter Control
This section describes the initialization of the event counter registers. The register, ECNT_CTRL, controls
Figure 3. Event Counter Control Register (ECNT_CTRL)
Table 2 describes the settings of these fields in the stopwatch timer implementation.
Table 2. ECNT_CTRL Settings
(binary value)
Event counter operates as a 64-bit counter
The event counter is disabled, and will be enabled when an event is detected
by EDCA1
The counter will advance on each core clock cycle
Setting Up the Stopwatch Timer Within an Application
3.2.2 Counter Registers
ECNT_VAL is a countdown counter, and ECNT_EXT is a countup counter. ECNT_VAL is decremented
on each occurrence of an event, as specified in the control register. ECNT_EXT is incremented each time
there is an underflow in ECNT_VAL.
For maximum cycle counting capacity, the stopwatch timer implementation initializes ECNT_VAL to the
largest possible value which is 4294967295, or 0xffffffff.
ECNT_EXT is initialized to zero.
3.3 Stopping the Stopwatch Timer
Code 3. C Code to Stop the Stopwatch Timer
#include “EOnCE_registers.h”
void EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_stop(unsigned long *clock_ext, unsigned long *clock_val)
/* Disable event counter */
READ_IOREG(ECNT_VAL,*clock_val); /* Save ECNT_VAL in program variable */
READ_IOREG(ECNT_EXT,*clock_ext); /* Save ECNT_EXT in program variable */
*clock_val = (MAX_32_BIT-*clock_val); /* Adjust for countdown */
To stop the stopwatch timer, the ECNT_CTRL register is set to zero. After stopping the stopwatch timer,
the routine copies the values of ECNT_VAL and ECNT_EXT registers into program variables. This
allows putting the stopwatch timer into use again without losing the result of the previous measurement.
Because ECNT_VAL contains the result of a countdown process, the routine converts that result into the
actual number of cycles elapsed by subtracting the ECNT_VAL from the value to which it was initialized,
specifically, 4294967295.
3.4 Converting Cycles to Actual Time
The stopwatch timer measures durations in units of core clock cycles. Most often the units of interest are
units of absolute time, such as milliseconds or microseconds.
Conversion from core clock cycles, as measured by the event counter registers, to milliseconds is
computed in Equation 1.
Time(ms) = (EXT × 0xffffffff + VAL) ×
Eqn. 1
In this equation, EXT is the value in ECNT_EXT, VAL is the value in ECNT_VAL, and Clock Speed is
measured in hertz.
Code 4 on page -7 shows the C code for clock-cycle-to-time conversion.
The C code depends on setting the value of the constant CLOCK_SPEED in EOnCE_stopwatch.c to match
the clock speed as set in the PLL.
The conversion routine distinguishes between three different output units: seconds, milliseconds, and
microseconds. Handling each unit separately allows the computations to be performed using integer
arithmetic without loss of accuracy.
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
Code 4. C Code for Clock-Cycle-to-Time Conversion
unsigned long Convert_clock2time(unsigned long clock_ext, unsigned long clock_val,
short option)
unsigned long result;
result= clock_ext*MAX_32_BIT/CLOCK_SPEED + clock_val/CLOCK_SPEED;
result= clock_ext*MAX_32_BIT/(CLOCK_SPEED/1000)
+ clock_val/(CLOCK_SPEED/1000);
result= clock_ext*MAX_32_BIT/(CLOCK_SPEED/1000000)
+ clock_val/(CLOCK_SPEED/1000000);
default: result=0;
/* error condition */
return result;
3.5 Putting it All Together
Code 5 depicts the use of the stopwatch timer using the routines that have been described so far.
Code 5. Use of Stopwatch Timer Functions
long clock_ext,clock_val,clock_cycle,time_sec;
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_init(); /* Execute once per program execution */
* Code whose execution time is measured goes here
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_stop(&clock_ext, &clock_val);
time_sec = Convert_clock2time(clock_ext, clock_val, EONCE_SECOND);
* Code whose execution time is measured goes here
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_stop(&clock_ext, &clock_val);
time_sec = Convert_clock2time(clock_ext, clock_val, EONCE_SECOND);
The calls to the stopwatch timer functions can be made from different locations in the application code, not
necessarily from within one subroutine. The EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_start() and
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_stop() can be called more than once to measure the time consumed in different
modules as desired.
Setting Up the Stopwatch Timer Within an Application
3.6 Adapting Stopwatch Timer Code to Other SC140
The stopwatch timer implementation controls the Enhanced OnCE by writing to its memory-mapped
registers. The addresses of these registers are determined in the memory map of the device in which the
SC140 core is embedded. The offset between the base address of the memory-mapped peripherals and the
addresses of the Enhanced OnCE registers is the same across SC140-based devices.
Therefore, when adapting the stopwatch timer code for a specific device it suffices to set the value of
REG_BASE_ADDRESS in the header file “EOnCE_registers.h.” In the Software Development Platform
(SDP), the base register of Enhanced OnCE is 0x00effe00. Consult the user manual of the specific device
for the value to set this C macro.
Setting Up the Stopwatch Timer Within the
The preceeding section described a technique that requires instrumenting, or modifying, the source code of
the application being measured. Occasionally developers are faced with a situation where instrumentation
of the code is not possible. For example, the code might be available in object form only.
In such cases it is possible to measure execution times by setting up the stopwatch timer within the
Metrowerks Code Warrior SC140 debugger. This section explains this set up.
4.1 Initializing the Stopwatch Timer
The technique described in Section 3 triggered the stopwatch timer by detecting a write to the stopwatch
timer flag variable. When the stopwatch timer is set up within the debugger, the triggering event is chosen
to be the execution of the first instruction in the measured code. Program code disassembly is used to
obtain the address of this first instruction.
In the following descriptions of selecting options in the debugger
windows, the > character separates each command in the menu hierarchy.
For example, EOnCE > EOnCE Configurator > EDCA1 lists the
hierarchy to be followed to select the EDCA1. In this example, one would
highlight EOnCE in menu bar, then highlight EOnCE Configurator, and
finally, choose the EDCA1 tab.
4.1.1 Setting Up the Event Detector
The procedure to set up the stopwatch timer is described in this section. To set up the event detector, find
the starting address of the measured function or sequence of instructions, as follows:
1. Choose Project > Debug.
2. In the debugger window, choose “mixed”.
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
Figure 4. Finding the Starting Address in the Debugger
After finding the starting address, the event detector can be setup. The procedures are outlined in these
1. Choose EOnCE > EOnCE Configurator > EDCA1.
2. Click PC in the “Bus Selection” box.
3. Enter the address of the first instruction in the measured code into the “Comparator A Hex
32-bits” box.
4. Click Enable in the “Enabled after Event On” box.
Figure 5 on page -10 shows the event detection settings after performing these steps. For more detailed
information in Enhanced OnCE configuration in Code Warrior tools, refer to [3].
Setting Up the Stopwatch Timer Within the Debugger
Figure 5. Event Detection Settings
4.1.2 Setting Up the Event Counter
The event counter is configured to the same mode as described in Section 3.2.1, “Event Counter Control,”
on page -5, except this time the configuration is made using the debugger windows:
1. Choose EOnCE > EOnCE Configurator > Counter.
2. Click Core Clock in the “What to count” box.
3. Click EDCA1 in the “Enable after Even On” box.
4. Type “0xffffffff” in the “Event Counter Value (Hex 32 bits)” box.
5. Check the box in the left side of “Extension Counter Value (Hex 32 bits)”.
The result of this procedure is shown in Figure 6 on page -11.
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
Figure 6. Event Counter Settings
4.2 Stopping the Stopwatch Timer
Stopping the stopwatch timer is achieved by halting execution of the application at a breakpoint. Set up the
breakpoint at the point in the application at which timing should stop to achieve the desired affect.
After the breakpoint is in place, the debugger can be instructed to run the application.
When execution of the application reaches the breakpoint, the value of the stopwatch timer counters can be
shows an example of an event counter dialog box after the debugger halt at the breakpoint. Because the
countdown counter is initialized to maximum value (0xffffffff), the difference between maximum value
and the value in the “Event Counter Value” column yields the real SC140 clock counts. To convert the
values of the real SC140 clock counts to absolute time use the computation described in Section 3.4,
After the debugger stops at the breakpoint, the counter, which is setup in sleep mode and is enabled by the
events at the first instruction of the measured code, is now in enabled mode and continues to count (see
because the SC140 clock count has been achieved.
Setting Up the Stopwatch Timer Within the Debugger
Figure 7. Event Counter Dialog Box When Debugger Halts at Breakpoint
Setting Up the System Clock Speed
Every SC140-based device contains a Phase Lock Loop (PLL) block, which controls the operating
frequency of the device. The frequency of the device is governed by the frequency control bits in the PLL
Fext × MFI +
Fdevice =
Eqn. 2
In this equation:
MFI (multiplication factor integer), MFN (multiplication factor numerator), MFD (multiplication
factor denominator), and PODF (post division factor) are defined in the PCTL1 register.
PDF (pre-division factor) is defined in the PCTL0 register.
Fext is external input frequency to the chip at the EXTAL pin.
Fdevice is the operating frequency of the device.
The range of values of these terms are describe in [1].
Figure 8 and Figure 9 on page -13 illustrate the PLL control registers; PCTL0 and PCTL1, respectively.
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
Figure 8. Programming Model of PCTL0
Figure 9. Programming Model of PCTL1
5.1 Setting Up the PLL in Software
The clock frequency of the SC140 can be set up either in software or in hardware. This section describes
how to set the SC140 in the Software Development Platform (SDP) to operate at 300 MHz using these two
alternatives. The C code to set up the PLL to 300 MHz is shown in Code 6.
Code 6. C Code to Set Up the PLL to 300 MHz
#include “EOnCE_registers.h”
void PLL_setup_300MHz()
asm("move.l #$80030003,PCTL0");
asm("move.l #$00010000,PCTL1");
To set up the SC140 for operation at 300 MHz, the registers PCTL0 and PCTL1 should be set to the values
Table 3. Settings of PCTL0 and PCTL1
(binary value)
PLL enabled. The internal clocks are derived from the PLL output
PLL locks with respect to the positive edge of the reference clock
MFN = 0
MFI = 24
MDF = 1
PD = 4
Clock out pin receives output
PODF = 1
Setting Up the System Clock Speed
With these configurations, the Fchip is calculated as expressed in Equation 3.
50MHz × 24 +
Fchip =
= 300Mhz
Eqn. 3
4 × 1
The PLL should be configured so that the resulting PLL output frequency is in the range specified in the
device’s technical data sheet.
5.2 Setting Up the PLL in Hardware
During the assertion of hardware reset, the value of all the PLL hardware configurations pins are sampled
into the clock control registers (PCTL0 and PCTL1). Thus, it is possible to set up the core frequency at
reset by configuring the jumpers on the SDP board.
To set up the PLL for operation at 300 MHz, the jumpers for PLLEN, PDF1, PDF0, MFI3 and MFI2
should be removed (thereby causing these bits to be asserted).
For more detail information jumper configuration of SDP, refers to [2].
Verifying Correct Setup
The previous sections described how to set up the Enhanced OnCE stopwatch timer and the DSP clock
speed. This section describes techniques to verify that the system is set up correctly and that the Enhanced
OnCE stopwatch timer measurements are reasonable as described in Section 3, “Setting Up the Stopwatch
The verification process is based on measuring a specified time period, while also creating an external
behavior (turning on and off an LED) that can be measured independently by a “wall clock” (that is; an
independent stopwatch, such as; an oscilloscope).
6.1 Using the LED on the SDP
The implementation described in this section is based on the configuration of the Software Development
Platform (SDP). In SDP, each of EE1 pins of the Enhanced OnCE is connected to an LED.
The following implementation is based on the ability to program the Enhanced OnCE to toggle the output
value on its pins whenever an event is detected by one of the Enhanced OnCE event detection channels.
The implementation below toggles the output value on the pin EE1 whenever the stopwatch timer starts or
stops running. This capability requires just a small enhancement to the stopwatch timer software that is
presented in Code 6 on page -13.
6.1.1 Setting Up EE1
The functionality of the Enhanced OnCE pins is controlled through the Enhanced OnCE pins control
Figure 10. EE Pins Control Register (EE_CTRL)
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
In EE_CTRL, the EE1DEF field is set to 00, which signifies output signal when detected by EDCA1. The
remaining fields in EE_CTRL are irrelevant because they are not used.
Code 7 shows the setup code for EE control registers.
Code 7. EOnCE_LED_init()
void EOnCE_LED_init()
*((long *)EE_CTRL) &= ~(3<<2); /* Toggle EE1 when event1 happens */
6.1.2 Toggling EE1
The initialization previously discussed the set up of EE1 to toggle each time an event is detected by
EDCA1. The same channel is also used to trigger the stopwatch timer to count. Therefore, all that remains
is to create an EDCA1 event when the stopwatch timer stops. This is achieved by writing to the Enhanced
OnCE stopwatch timer flag variable.
Caution must be taken to perform this write only after execution of EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_stop().
Code 8. Turn LED Off
void EOnCE_LED_off(){
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_flag = 0; /* Create an EDCA1 event */
6.2 Testing the Stopwatch Timer
The program depicted in Code 9 on page -16 sets up the stopwatch timer and then measures the time it
takes to execute two loops whose duration is built into the program.
The measured code sequences are constructed to take 10 seconds and 7.5 seconds, respectively. These
durations are constructed by having the code sample the Enhanced OnCE counter and loop until the
expected number of clock cycles have passed.
It is recommended to try this code prior to measuring the target application, as a means of verifying correct
setup of the system. If the times measured are not correct, it is recommended to check the PLL setup and
the values of the clock speed and the memory-mapped register base (as set in the header files).
If the SC140 compiler beta 1.0 V is used, COMPILER_BETA_1_BUG must be defined to make the code
run correctly. In the macro WRITE_IO(REG,VAL) or READ_IO(REG,VAL), REG is deemed as 16-bit
even though it is 32-bit in macro definition. It is fixed by explicitly declaring a long variable if
COMPILER_BETA_1_BUG is defined.
Verifying Correct Setup
Code 9. Testing Code
#include <stdio.h>
#include "EOnCE_stopwatch.h"
extern long ECNT_VAL;
#include "EOnCE_registers.h"
void PLL_setup_300MHz()
asm("move.l #$80030003,PCTL0");
asm("move.l #$00010000,PCTL1");
void main(){
unsigned long clock_ext,clock_val,clock_cycle,cycle_req;
unsigned long time_sec;
extern unsigned long CLOCK_SPEED;
/* Setup to event detector 1 for any write to
dummy variable. Setup EOnCE event counter
to count if event 1 happens */
/* Setup LED to toggle in detection of
event 1 */
cycle_req = CLOCK_SPEED*10;
/* Calculate total clock cycles required
by 10 sec */
/* Event 1 happens, counter & LED on */
do {
/* Read bit 31-0 counter value */
clock_cycle = MAX_32_BIT - clock_cycle;/* Minus max value due to count down */
} while (clock_cycle <= cycle_req);
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_stop(&clock_ext, &clock_val); /* Stop timer, return bit 63-0
counter value */
/* LED off */
time_sec = Convert_clock2time(clock_ext, clock_val, EONCE_SECOND);
printf("duration = %u sec\n", time_sec);
cycle_req = CLOCK_SPEED*7.5;
/* Calculate total clock cycles required
by 7.5 sec */
/* Event 1 happens, counter & LED on */
do {
/* Read bit 31-0 counter value */
clock_cycle = MAX_32_BIT - clock_cycle;/* Minus max value due to count down */
} while (clock_cycle <= cycle_req);
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_stop(&clock_ext, &clock_val); /* Stop timer, return bit 63-0
counter value */
/* LED off */
time_sec = Convert_clock2time(clock_ext, clock_val, EONCE_MILLISECOND);
printf("duration = %u ms\n", time_sec);
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
This application note presented two techniques to measure the speed of execution of software running on
an SC140 device, using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE. The first technique requires instrumenting the
application code with calls to stopwatch timer routines. The second technique controls the stopwatch timer
within the Metrowerks Code Warrier debugger.
In addition, examples were provided in this application note to demonstrate setting up the SC140 Phase
Lock Loop, and software control of the LED available on the Software Development Platform.
[1] StarCore SC140 DSP Core Reference Manual (order number MNSC140CORE/D),
Motorola Inc., 2000.
[2] StarCore 140 Software Development Platform, Hardware Reference Manual
(order number SC140SDPRM/D), Motorola Inc., 1999.
[3] Code Warrior Targeting StarCore (Beta 1.0 Release), Metrowerks Corp., 1993.
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
Appendix A
Complete Example of Profiling
A complete example of profiling using the Enhanced OnCE stopwatch timer in the SC140 platform is
presented in this appendix.
Code A-1. EOnCE_stopwatch.h
#define READ_IOREG(reg,val) val = *((volatile long *)reg)
#define WRITE_IOREG(reg,val) *((volatile long *)reg) = val
#define MAX_32_BIT 0xffffffff
void EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_init();
void EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_start();
void EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_stop(unsigned long *clock_ext, unsigned long *clock_val);
void EOnCE_LED_init();
void EOnCE_LED_off();
unsigned long Convert_clock2time(unsigned long clock_ext, unsigned long clock_val, short option);
Complete Example of Profiling
Code A-2. EOnCE_registers.h
/* EOnCE registers */
#define EXCP_TABLE 0x7000
#define REG_BASE_ADDRESS 0x00effe00
/* EOnCE Status register */
long EE_CTRL
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x18; /* EOnCE EE pins Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x44; /* EOnCE EDCA #1 Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x64; /* EOnCE EDCA #1 Reference Value A */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x84; /* EOnCE EDCA #1 Reference Value B */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0xc4; /* EOnCE EDCA #1 Mask Register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x100; /* EOnCE Counter Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x104; /* EOnCE Counter Value register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x108; /* EOnCE Extension Counter Value */
#define EMCR
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x4 /* EOnCE Monitor and Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x8 /* EOnCE Receive register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x10 /* EOnCE Receive register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x14 /* EOnCE Receive register */
#define ERCV
#define ETRSMT0
#define ETRSMT1
#define EE_CTRL
#define PC_EX
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x18 /* EOnCE EE pins Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x1c /* EOnCE Exception PC register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x40 /* EOnCE EDCA #0 Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x44 /* EOnCE EDCA #1 Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x48 /* EOnCE EDCA #2 Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x4c /* EOnCE EDCA #3 Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x50 /* EOnCE EDCA #4 Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x54 /* EOnCE EDCA #5 Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x60 /* EOnCE EDCA #0 Reference Value A */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x64 /* EOnCE EDCA #1 Reference Value A */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x68 /* EOnCE EDCA #2 Reference Value A */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x6c /* EOnCE EDCA #3 Reference Value A */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x70 /* EOnCE EDCA #4 Reference Value A */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x74 /* EOnCE EDCA #5 Reference Value A */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x80 /* EOnCE EDCA #0 Reference Value B */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x84 /* EOnCE EDCA #1 Reference Value B */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x88 /* EOnCE EDCA #2 Reference Value B */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x8c /* EOnCE EDCA #3 Reference Value B */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x90 /* EOnCE EDCA #4 Reference Value B */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x94 /* EOnCE EDCA #5 Reference Value B */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0xc0 /* EOnCE EDCA #0 Mask Register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0xc4 /* EOnCE EDCA #1 Mask Register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0xc8 /* EOnCE EDCA #2 Mask Register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0xcc /* EOnCE EDCA #3 Mask Register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0xd0 /* EOnCE EDCA #4 Mask Register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0xd4 /* EOnCE EDCA #5 Mask Register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0xe0 /* EOnCE EDCD Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0xe4 /* EOnCE EDCD Reference Value */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0xe8 /* EOnCE EDCD Mask register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x100 /* EOnCE Counter Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x104 /* EOnCE Counter Value register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x108 /* EOnCE Extension Counter Value */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x120 /* EOnCE Selector Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x124 /* EOnCE Selector DM Mask */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x128 /* EOnCE Selector DI Mask */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x12c /* EOnCE Selector RST Mask */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x130 /* EOnCE Selector ETB Mask */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x134 /* EOnCE Selector DTB Mask */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x140 /* EOnCE Trace Buffer Control register */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x144 /* EOnCE Trace Buffer Read Pointer */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x148 /* EOnCE Trace Buffer Write Pointer */
REG_BASE_ADDRESS+0x14c /* EOnCE Trace Buffer */
#define EDCA0_CTRL
#define EDCA1_CTRL
#define EDCA2_CTRL
#define EDCA3_CTRL
#define EDCA4_CTRL
#define EDCA5_CTRL
#define EDCA0_REFA
#define EDCA1_REFA
#define EDCA2_REFA
#define EDCA3_REFA
#define EDCA4_REFA
#define EDCA5_REFA
#define EDCA0_REFB
#define EDCA1_REFB
#define EDCA2_REFB
#define EDCA3_REFB
#define EDCA4_REFB
#define EDCA5_REFB
#define EDCA0_MASK
#define EDCA1_MASK
#define EDCA2_MASK
#define EDCA3_MASK
#define EDCA4_MASK
#define EDCA5_MASK
#define EDCD_CTRL
#define EDCD_REF
#define EDCD_MASK
#define ECNT_CTRL
#define ECNT_VAL
#define ECNT_EXT
#define ESEL_CTRL
#define ESEL_DM
#define ESEL_DI
#define ESEL_RST
#define ESEL_ETB
#define ESEL_DTB
#define TB_CTRL
#define TB_RD
#define TB_WR
#define TB_BUFF
#define TRAP_EXCP
#define ILL_EXCP
#define DBG_EXCP
#define OVFL_EXCP
#define NMI_EXCP
#define EXT_EXCP
EXCP_TABLE /* trap instruction exception */
EXCP_TABLE+0x80 /* illegal set or illegal instruction exception */
EXCP_TABLE+0xc0 /* debug exception (eonce) */
EXCP_TABLE+0x100 /* overflow exception */
EXCP_TABLE+0x180 /* default nmi exception vector */
EXCP_TABLE+0x1c0 /* default external exception */
EXCP_TABLE+0x280 /* nmi exception vector (arbitrary address) */
EXCP_TABLE+0x2c0 /* external exception (arbitrary address) */
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
Code A-3. EOnCE_stopwatch.c
* Header file contains definitions of EOnCE memory-mapped register addresses,
* and definition of the WRITE_IOREG() macro.
#include "EOnCE_registers.h"
#include "EOnCE_stopwatch.h"
unsigned long CLOCK_SPEED = 300000000;
static volatile long EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_flag;
/*Global dummby variable*/
void EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_init()
/* Address to snoop for on XABA */
/* Address to snoop for on XABB */
/* No masking is performed in address comparison */
/* Detect writes on both XABA and XABB */
void EOnCE_LED_init()
*((long *)EE_CTRL) &= ~(3<<2);
/* Toggle EE1 when event1 happens */
void EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_start()
/* Countdown will start at (2**32)-1 */
/* Extension will count up from zero */
/* Counting will be triggered by detection on EDCA1 */
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_flag = 0;
/* This write to the flag triggers the counter */
void EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_stop(unsigned long *clock_ext, unsigned long *clock_val)
/* Disable event counter */
READ_IOREG(ECNT_VAL,*clock_val); /* Save ECNT_VAL in program variable */
READ_IOREG(ECNT_EXT,*clock_ext); /* Save ECNT_EXT in program variable */
*clock_val = (MAX_32_BIT-*clock_val); /* Adjust for countdown */
void EOnCE_LED_off()
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_flag = 0;
/* Create an EDCA1 event */
unsigned long Convert_clock2time(unsigned long clock_ext, unsigned long clock_val, short option)
unsigned long result;
result= clock_ext*MAX_32_BIT/CLOCK_SPEED + clock_val/CLOCK_SPEED;
result= clock_ext*MAX_32_BIT/(CLOCK_SPEED/1000)
+ clock_val/(CLOCK_SPEED/1000);
result= clock_ext*MAX_32_BIT/(CLOCK_SPEED/1000000)
+ clock_val/(CLOCK_SPEED/1000000);
default: result=0;
/* error condition */
return result;
Complete Example of Profiling
Code A-4. autocorr.c
#include "EOnCE_stopwatch.h"
#include <prototype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define L_WINDOW 240
# define SIGN_32 (1U << 31U)
Word16 Autocorr (Word16 x[], Word16 m, Word16 r_h[], Word16 r_l[],
const Word16 wind[]);
void L_Extract (Word32, Word16 *, Word16 *);
Word16 test_x[240] =
-116, -179, -258, -128, 321, 714, 757, 640, 648, 867, 840, 1181,
1071, 786, 760, 617, 803, 697, 559, 64, 164, 492, 437, 413, 167,
-170, -75, 97, 27, 546, 618, 103, 51, 371, 104, -410, -387, -178,
-151, -180, -213, -295, -430, -369, -268, -407, -387, -171, -217,
-121, 74, -385, -651, -651, -296, -215, 178, 135, -127, -210, -195,
105, 78, -270, -141, 271, 99, 135, 204, -8, -302, -160, -82, -389,
-737, -616, -435, -521, -500, -396, -248, -293, -121, 263, 129, 203,
584, 654, 659, 826, 452, -263, -468, -345, -208, -204, 0, 502, 518,
323, 600, 422, -2, -6, 224, 206, 110, 4, -159, -478, -762, -806,
-1008, -912, -412, 160, 374, 240, 154, 93, -71, -101, 84, 14, 107,
71, -239, -365, -337, -718, -1042, -312, 188, 509, 647, 413, 442,
530, 525, 295, -160, -538, -326, 388, 658, 396, 211, 242, 424, 250,
310, 425, -21, -190, 362, 510, 68, -210, -361, -668, -269, 33, -126,
-259, 4, 109, 327, 509, 220, -216, -404, -132, 151, -68, -248, -185,
-170, -257, -160, -252, -301, 282, 575, 557, 897, 835, 373, 58,
-192, -249, -347, -390, -198, -169, -206, -123, -91, -17, 54, -48,
281, 484, 377, 318, 377, 470, -15, -461, -360, -445, -464, -682,
-759, -529, 85, 232, 198, 485, 907, 426, 319, 810, 1056, 648, 188,
1, -578, -790, -568, -84, -7, -188, -74, -166, -38, 213, 13, -168,
101, -47
Word16 test_m = 10;
Word16 test_r_h[11] =
28714, 21991, 11202, 4479, -494, -4007, -5339, -6829, -8122, -6165, -1943
Word16 test_r_l[11] =
11232, 3256, 3463, 16354, 6929, 13451, 31455, 6034, 19039, 21655, 2132
Word16 test_wind[240] =
2621, 2623, 2627, 2634, 2644, 2656, 2671, 2689, 2710, 2734, 2760,
2789, 2821, 2855, 2893, 2933, 2975, 3021, 3069, 3120, 3173, 3229,
3288, 3350, 3414, 3481, 3550, 3622, 3697, 3774, 3853, 3936, 4021,
4108, 4198, 4290, 4385, 4482, 4582, 4684, 4788, 4895, 5004, 5116,
5230, 5346, 5464, 5585, 5708, 5833, 5960, 6090, 6221, 6355, 6491,
6629, 6769, 6910, 7054, 7200, 7348, 7498, 7649, 7803, 7958, 8115,
8274, 8434, 8597, 8761, 8926, 9093, 9262, 9432, 9604, 9778, 9952,
10129, 10306, 10485, 10665, 10847, 11030, 11214, 11399, 11586,
11773, 11962, 12152, 12342, 12534, 12727, 12920, 13115, 13310,
13506, 13703, 13901, 14099, 14298, 14497, 14698, 14898, 15100,
15301, 15504, 15706, 15909, 16112, 16316, 16520, 16724, 16928,
17132, 17337, 17541, 17746, 17950, 18155, 18359, 18564, 18768,
18972, 19175, 19379, 19582, 19785, 19987, 20189, 20390, 20591,
20792, 20992, 21191, 21390, 21588, 21785, 21981, 22177, 22372,
22566, 22759, 22951, 23143, 23333, 23522, 23710, 23897, 24083,
24268, 24451, 24633, 24814, 24994, 25172, 25349, 25525, 25699,
25871, 26042, 26212, 26380, 26546, 26711, 26874, 27035, 27195,
27353, 27509, 27664, 27816, 27967, 28115, 28262, 28407, 28550,
28691, 28830, 28967, 29102, 29234, 29365, 29493, 29619, 29743,
29865, 29985, 30102, 30217, 30330, 30440, 30548, 30654, 30757,
30858, 30956, 31052, 31146, 31237, 31326, 31412, 31495, 31576,
31655, 31730, 31804, 31874, 31942, 32008, 32071, 32131, 32188,
32243, 32295, 32345, 32392, 32436, 32477, 32516, 32552, 32585,
32615, 32643, 32668, 32690, 32709, 32726, 32740, 32751, 32759,
32765, 32767, 32767, 32097, 30112, 26895, 22576, 17333, 11380, 4962
Word16 ref_result = 6;
void PLL_setup_300MHz()
asm("move.l #$80030003,PCTL0");
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
asm("move.l #$00010000,PCTL1");
int main(void)
int rc = 0;
unsigned long clock_ext, clock_val,time_us;
if (Autocorr(test_x, test_m, test_r_h, test_r_l, test_wind) != ref_result) {
rc = 1;
EOnCE_stopwatch_timer_stop(&clock_ext, &clock_val);
time_us=Convert_clock2time(clock_ext, clock_val,EONCE_MICROSECOND);
printf("time consumed by function is %d us\n", time_us);
return rc;
Word16 Autocorr (Word16 x[], Word16 m, Word16 r_h[], Word16 r_l[],
const Word16 wind[])
Word16 i, j, norm;
Word16 y[L_WINDOW];
Word32 sum;
Word16 overfl, overfl_shft;
for (i = 0; i < L_WINDOW; i++) {
y[i] = mult_r (x[i], wind[i]);
overfl_shft = 0;
do {
overfl = 0;
sum = 0L;
for (i = 0; i < L_WINDOW; i++) {
sum = L_mac (sum, y[i], y[i]);
if (L_sub (sum, MAX_32) == 0L) {
overfl_shft = add (overfl_shft, 4);
overfl = 1;
for (i = 0; i < L_WINDOW; i++) {
y[i] = shr (y[i], 2);
} while (overfl != 0);
sum = L_add (sum, 1L);
norm = norm_l (sum);
sum = L_shl (sum, norm);
L_Extract (sum, &r_h[0], &r_l[0]);
for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
sum = 0;
for (j = 0; j < L_WINDOW - i; j++) {
sum = L_mac (sum, y[j], y[j + i]);
sum = L_shl (sum, norm);
L_Extract (sum, &r_h[i], &r_l[i]);
norm = sub (norm, overfl_shft);
return norm;
void L_Extract (Word32 L_32, Word16 *hi, Word16 *lo)
*hi = extract_h (L_32);
*lo = extract_l (L_msu (L_shr (L_32, 1), *hi, 16384));
Complete Example of Profiling
Using the SC140 Enhanced OnCE Stopwatch Timer
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